




Roman Holiday is a classic romantic comedy. Princess Ann is a royal princess of an unspecified country. One night she visits Rome to do her official duties, but every minutes of her time is scheduled. Her doctor gives a sedative to help her sleep, but she secretly lees her country embassy and goes out alone to experience Rome. After she falls asleep on a public bench because of the injection, which is given by her doctor. Joe Bradley meet her by chance and he does not recognize her as a princess.

It was one of a charming comedy which is starring Audrey Hepburn. Her acting was so fun, this movie makes me hilarious. If you he never seen this movie, I strongly recommend this movie. Audery Hepburn was a royal princess in this movie, and also she was my princess in my heart。




我们是为爱而生的,如果爱得偏狭、爱得固执,爱得只识得一种情趣,那爱就变得艰难。正如活着就必须圆滑一样,爱,也要见风使舵、顺水推舟,否则要我们怎么活下去呢?赫本肯定是走了,在某片云朵上面,用蹙起的眉头看着我们把爱摆在唇齿间,看着我们一次次为了照顾其他东西把爱放在一边,看着我们把爱玩成了竞技,看着纸上的爱那么多、心灵的爱那么少,看着我们用钱币购买很多东西,包括爱。是啊,我们要活得象样,我们要HOUSE那样的房,要BMW那样的车,要Sophie Marceau那样的女人,甚至要马尔代夫海景房的清晨,要塞纳河边咖啡馆的黄昏,即使我们暂时还不能拥有游轮和小岛,我们靠以上这些武装起来时,就已经感到自己也可以去追求赫本了。
















Spalding Gray writes of a "perfect moment" which one strives to he on a holiday -- a moment in time where there's not a stitch out of place, and you can go home knowing the holiday has been worthwhile. For me, much of Roman Holiday is one sustained perfect moment.

In fact, it's hard to believe the entire film takes place over little more than 24 hours. During this short day, Princess Ann rebels from her old life, falls in love and grows up enough to accept her destiny. And she even has time to stop for a haircut and an ice cream en route. Audrey Hepburn's transformation from a VERY young looking girl (honest, she looks 14 when she gets ready to go to bed near the start of the film) to a desirable woman is truly remarkable. No wonder Gregory Peck's character (and, arguably, Gregory Peck himself) fell in love with her. He wasn't alone. The film is nearly 50 years old, and it still holds that same power.

In her first major film outing, Hepburn displays fine comic timing, and a sense of bizarre humor. Check out the sule scene where Ann accepts what she claims is her first cigarette ... and then smokes it like an expert! Considering the temperature eraged around 100 F during filming, she also seems to enjoy her ice cream cone a little TOO much.

For me the perfect moment of perfect moments is when Audrey (NOT Princess Ann) reacts with sudden fright when Gregory Peck ears to get his hand bitten off in the Mouth of Truth -- only to break into laughter when Peck pops his hand out of his "empty" sleeve with a perfectly timed, "Hello!" Apparently, this was a practical joke Peck and Wyler played on Audrey. For a few seconds, the real Audrey Hepburn is on screen for the world to see. It's a moment to cherish.

Peck is his usual solid self -- and as a reporter myself, I can identify with the pressure Joe puts himself under to protect his big scoop. I should be so lucky as to find myself on the receiving end of a princess's affections. It's hard to believe that the Eddie Albert who plays Peck's bearded (and skillful) photographer is the same guy who went on to do "Green Acres." He's excellent here, and I'd give my eye teeth to he a cool lighter camera like his.

It's sad the film was never made in color, but the black and white gives it such a classy feel, you don't miss it. And if you don't know the ending -- don't let anyone spoil it for you. Just he the hankies ready.

This is one of the best films of the 1950s -- a relic of a carefree era long past and the precious debut of an actress who is still mourned years after her loss. .


罗马日 (又名: 罗马期,金枝玉叶,,RomanHoliday )



剧本、导演的功力高深,两位主演演技的高超,二者相得益彰。威廉·惠勒一直有“导演之中的导演、巨匠之中的巨匠”之称,影片在他手中,既高雅又迷人,既浪漫又伤感,处处闪烁着智慧的亮点。派克与赫本街头相遇一场戏,并非有多少夸张的动作或者调笑的语言,单靠剧情的张力和表演就足以让观众在愉悦之后深深记住这个经典的时刻。这种有分寸,有品位的细节安排和表演在后面则更加凸显:赫本随派克回家上楼梯一段,两人各怀心机对话一段,两人漫游罗马街头等等等等,甚至在影片最高潮时的一场打斗闹剧都没有降低对细节和表演的品位要求。两人?B style='color:black;background-color:#ff9999'>的谏钌?B style='color:black;background-color:#ff9999'>的一吻仿佛使时间凝滞;公主回到使馆后一袭黑色衣裙的背影;记者会上两人无言的对视;影片最后一个镜头跟拍派克走出大厅的长镜头,都深深留在观众的记忆中。




Roman Holiday is a classic romantic comedy. Princess Ann is a royal princess of an unspecified country. One night she visits Rome to do her official duties, but every minutes of her time is scheduled. Her doctor gives a sedative to help her sleep, but she secretly lees her country embassy and goes out alone to experience Rome. After she falls asleep on a public bench because of the injection, which is given by her doctor. Joe Bradley meet her by chance and he does not recognize her as a princess.

It was one of a charming comedy which is starring Audrey Hepburn. Her acting was so fun, this movie makes me hilarious. If you he never seen this movie, I strongly recommend this movie. Audery Hepburn was a royal princess in this movie, and also she was my princess in my heart.