
2.肖申克的救赎 影评,英文,200字

3.求一篇 肖申克的救赎 英文版影评1500字以上最好 质量高哦





<The Shawshank Redemption>: The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behed brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who ge up everything could survive. That’s where the story hened.

The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the hey rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant innermost being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to reciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief hiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the hiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.”

A brief introduction to 《The Shawshank Redemption》:


Nominated for 7 Academy Awards?, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay, The Shawshank Redemption, starring Tim Ros and Morgan Freeman, is an extraordinary tale of hope and survival inside a maximum security prison. Based on a Stephen King novella, Frank Darabont's screenplay follows the complex twenty-year relationship between two convicts who he little in common—except friendship.

This book features a facsimile of the shooting script, selected storyboards, over 35 behind-the-scenes photos, an introduction by Stephen King, and notes on the scene-by-scene changes made in production and post-production written exclusively for this edition by the film's writer/director, Frank Darabont.


"Frank Darabont, with this one work, declares himself a special talent. " Gene Siskel, Chicago Tribune

"I urge you to read it and enjoy it, but also to marvel over it: you are, in the realist sense, reading a dream come true, a miraculous triumph of art over the buck. " Stephen King, from his introduction

"This is not just another published screenplay...In The Shawshank Redemption: The Shooting Script, Frank Darabont takes the reader beyond the making of the film." Fade In:


鄙视机器翻译!不会就不要答,浪费别人时间。 redemption, was not only for andy himself, in some sense he redeemed not only himself, but also his inmate. his redemption of his inmate is a mental salvation, because to some extent he made people surrounding him recognize the value of seeking for freedom and hope--Red is a typical one. The two holding the same hope for freedom but bearing different attitudes together constitute the theme of this movie. 第一次 第二次 the first redemption ;the second redemption

肖申克的救赎 影评,英文,200字

Read a long time ago, "the salvation of肖恩克" until today saw the film again. Still deep feelings ... ...

Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best thing in the world, good things will not be gone from the "" I hope the Pacific, as I dream of the sea, as blue .. I hope! "" Xiao, "gives us a belief" hope is the best thing of all "

Hope! The value of life! Captured a lot of World War II was held in the period such as the wise men as the more points the higher the saints, I think they are full of hope for a better life, right?

In addition to hopes that the film touched a lot of local people: "Friendship," "perseverance," "courage ".... do not want to spend a lot of talking to the evaluation or feeling of this was overwhelming Feedback of the film, classic places to experience

求一篇 肖申克的救赎 英文版影评1500字以上最好 质量高哦

When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to."Hope is dangerous" Red had ever said,But Andy has always sticked to it.He didn’t cry when he was thrown into prison though he was innocent. On contrary, he found ways to kill long time to escape. He helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom. He rebuilt a library and helped the other prisoners. All the prisoners liked him, for he helped them find hope again. Perhaps it was time to escape, in a lightening and thundering night, he escaped from the prison through the hole he had dug for twenty years . He was free eventually .

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.

《肖申克的救赎》的影评 The story may sound simple, but the trut h behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in t he world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behed brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as li fe passed. It seemed that only those utte rly worthless people who ge up everyt hing could survive. That’s where the story hened. The part impressed me most is when An dy got out of the jai. He extended his ar ms in front of him in the hey rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzli ng the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under t he light, I could feel my recreant innerm ost being shivering as his voice said: “Re member, Hope is a good thing, maybe th e best of things and no good thing ever d ies!” That’s why I like this film: it encourages p eople to fight to preserve the dignity of h uman beings, to reciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep h ope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only differ ence is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live onc e, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and w orks his life right, then once is enough. T he faith is the bird that feels the light wh en the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief hiness that th is world affords, a nd the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the hiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembl ing of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.” 这个故事也许看似简单,但是其中的道理 却是发人深思的。我第一次听到这**的 名字时,曾以为“肖申克”是个人名,但事实 上它是一所监狱的名字--鲨堡。说它是人间 地狱,不仅那里狱卒残暴,狱霸横行,而 且它还侵蚀着人的心灵。生命在漫漫无期 的等待中消逝,似乎只有那些行尸走肉般 放弃了所有的人才能够活下去。 这就是故事的开始。最让我感动的是安迪 逃出牢狱时候的情景。大雨滂沱之中他伸 出手臂似乎在迎接新鲜空气和自由。此刻 ,我看见自信战胜了黑暗,其光芒照亮了 深蓝天空中的眼睛。在此光辉下,我可以 感觉到自己那颗怯懦的心在颤抖,似乎在 说:记住,希望是好东西,也许是人间至 善,而美好的东西永远不会消逝。 它激励人们为人类的尊严而斗争,为生命 的美丽而感恩,最重要的是它让我们永怀 希望。这就是我喜欢这部**的原因。 有出生,就会有死亡,均是如此。唯 一不同的是--忙着活,还是劳碌死。**告 诉我们,虽然人只能活一次,但是如果带 着信心和希望好好地活,一次也就足够了 。信心就像在黎明前看到曙光的鸟,而希 望则是这个世界给我们的最重要的礼物, 生命应该充满鸟儿的歌声和希望带来的快 乐。 你认为如何你呢?我想这是心房的跳舞, 思想的歌唱,灵魂的翱翔,以及对自由的 渴望。