

3.terminal cuenca del plata 是哪里




terminal影评_the terminal电影台词

If you can get past the fact Tom Hanks’ character learns English at an incredibly accelerated rate and if you can overlook the lack of chemistry between Catherine Zeta-Jones and Hanks, then you’ll be able to get some enjoyment out of “The Terminal.”

“The Terminal” is the story of Viktor Norski (Hanks), a treler who’s stranded at John F. Kennedy International Airport after a coup topples the leadership of his homeland, the fictional Krakozhia. The new rulers aren’t recognized by the United States, so Viktor finds himself stuck between a rock and a hard place, unable to enter the U.S. and unable to fly home because his passport is no longer valid. He’s told ‘America is closed’ and is forced to wait out the war in the international terminal, passing the time learning English, hanging out with a few sympathetic airport workers, falling for a stewardess, and trying to oid causing further problems for the airport’s homeland security official (played by Stanley Tucci).

“The Terminal” benefits from the artistically uncomplicated meshing of good buddies Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg (“Sing Private Ryan,” “Band of Brothers” and “Catch Me If You Can”) but really misses the mark when it incorporates an ill-conceived love story between Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones into the plot. As Viktor, Hanks is genuine and ealing, making it near impossible not to he sympathy for his plight. But throw Zeta-Jones into the frame as a stewardess who admits to always getting involved with the wrong men, and the movie becomes a muddled mess. Zeta-Jones does nothing to make audiences empathize with her character’s inability to find true love. Pairing her with Hanks, as likeable as his character is, sends the movie off on a tangent that almost – but, thankfully, not quite - kills the film. And let’s just be brutally honest: Catherine Zeta-Jones is gorgeous. Even if you don’t admire her acting talent, you he to admit she’s a very beautiful woman. Not to knock Hanks, but come on, he’s not exactly in the same league as Zeta-Jones. If you plop them outside the movie world and into reality, would someone like Zeta-Jones instantly fall for this weird guy who stalks her in an airport? I don't think so. I didn’t believe the quick pairing of these two in the movie, and sadly, the love story is an unnecessary distraction in an otherwise entertaining and moving film.

“The Terminal” does provide an answer to the perplexing question of what hens to all the items lost in an airport. And the cast of characters who interact with Hanks – Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Stanley Tucci, Chi McBride, Barry Shabaka Henley, and especially Kumar Pallana – all add a lot of humanity and charm to the picture. If only Spielberg had erased the romance from the script and added in a little more time with each member of the interesting ensemble of actors who portray the airport workers, then “The Terminal” would he really achieved something special. But with the love story in place, “The Terminal” stretches the limits of believability beyond what I was willing to forgive.




























































































《Back to Hefei》

《I He a Dream》

《There Is Something About 伯庸·马》

























2010-7-9 17:10 回复























《Who is Champollion》



























《Bye bye,black Bird》

《Hy New Year & 2010年的第一部**》





















《幻想纵横》07年11月刊首语Once Upon A Time·很久以前·故事开始








《幻想》05年12月刊首语The Terminal

《幻想》06年1月刊首语Hy New Year

















My Sister’s Keeper

This classic and wonderful movie is about a story of kinship and motherhood, a story of a piteous girl struggles with cancer, a story of a litigation between Anna and her parents. It started with freedom and family conflict, ends with warmth and tolerance. In the film, the director holds the whole scene with the sun-drenched and beatific keynote, but the plot shows a feeling that this is “an unwilling smile”. From this hy and harmonious family, we can learn watch and hatred. I believe every audience would get touched by the movie. At one time, everyone should think about the life carefully after watching it.

Anna, as the absolute core of this film, she incarnates all contradictions from her family. In fact, she exists as her elder sister—Kate’s medicine, or offer something from her body such as blood, because Kate is suffering from leukemia. As for Anna, the only meaning of the life is continue sister’s life. It is her assignment and responsibility. Nevertheless, at the end of the film, Kate died, it is much more important for Anna that she had a fantastic sister during her past life. I think her feeling is very complicated when she faces Kate. It is obvious that she is not selfish, due to there is something is beyond her ability.

However, Kate touched me deeply. Her destiny is so merciless. Even though her ephemeral life is full of medicines, hospitals and pain, her smile is so warm. Not until her last second, does she still smile upon everyone around her. Maybe it is an shocking challenge that she asks Anna to court their parents, but I consider it doesn’t mean heartless. She just wants to use this form to let her mother understand that sometimes relinquish properly does not represent loss, it may exist with another method and let others live better. At the same time, it tells us indirectly that there are thousands of forms to watch the person we care, pay silently is a kind of hiness, mute blessing is also a portion of felicity.

Though it has a hy ending, tears are still beyond audience’s control. What the tears contain is not just a constant inspiration, furthermore are comprehension, deep frustration and sigh. Whether in the film or real life, I’m afraid that we may be helpless when evils befall to kind-hearted person. In a way, we he to admit tribulations can’t resist fate.

Maybe this is not a perfect movie, it even couldn't be called a great movie, however, it touched me, and touched many viewers' hearts, so it is definitely a good movie.

For life, we should remember life is the most especial present, we received it. What the most important is that how to make good use of it to reflect our value. Life is limited, but our potential is infinite. Death is not only the terminal, but also another starting.

For love, different people he different annotations. It is a bridge for us to communicate with others from various areas. It is the origin of respect. With the people we love, in the place we enjoy, this is paradise.

terminal cuenca del plata 是哪里

Information: animated "Madagascar" About the story

://ent.sina.cn 2005年05月31日14:21新浪 ://ent.sina.cn 2005 on 05 years on 31 Sina Entertainment 14:21

狮子亚历克斯是丛林之王,哦不! Alex the lion is the king of the jungle, oh no! 这里的丛林指的是喧嚣的城市丛林,而非茂密的野生丛林。 The jungle was referring to the noisy urban jungle, not the dense jungle of wild. 在纽约中央公园里的动物园,他算得上是吸引游客的头号明星。 New York's Central Park Zoo, he can claim to be a star number one tourist attraction. 他和最要好的朋友斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和河马格洛丽亚训练有素,各自秀出的看家绝活即便是一招半式都会博得观众欢快的笑声和热烈的掌声。 And his best friend Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Gloria Mehlman well-trained, Show of their housekeeping skills even Yizhaobanshi will win the audience's laughter and hy lause. 虽说四周有坚固的笼子和高大的围墙照应着,深受纽约市民喜爱的四位动物好朋友的日子过得还是相当的滋润,三餐不愁甚至可以享尽荣华富贵。 Although there is strong around the cage and take care of a tall wall, like the people in New York by four good friends of the animal life or considerable support, can enjoy three meals a day no worries about the high position and great wealth.

按说,这样的幸福生活正是许多野生动物向往和追求的。 In the ordinary course, such a hy life is the number of wild animals and longing for the pursuit. 可是,马蒂却偏偏觉得这一切根本不值得留恋,他一直渴望回到老祖先们出生、成长的野生世界。 However, Marty has chosen to think this is not all memorable, he has been eager to return to their ancestors were born, grow wild in the world. 在四只神秘企鹅的教唆下,马蒂开始萌生去意。 In four of the mysterious aiders Penguin, Marty began to think of killing themselves. 于是,在企鹅们的帮助下,马蒂悄然逃离动物园,一举踏上探索野生世界的征程。 As a result, the Penguins had the help of Marty quietly fled the zoo, one on the journey to explore the wild world. 马蒂失踪了! Marty has been missing! 剩下的亚历克斯、梅尔曼和格洛丽亚心急如焚,决定不惜一切代价找到马蒂。 The rest of the Alex, Gloria and burning Mehlman, the decision at all costs to find Marty. 三个伙伴也跟着逃出了从未离开过的动物园。 Three partners he also escaped from the zoo never left. 搭上地铁,经过中转站,他们终于在终点站找到了马蒂。 To catch a subway, after a transit point, they finally found the terminal Marti. 可惜重逢带来的快乐太短暂了,纽约的警察和消防队员可不管你是野兽兵团还是恐怖分子,只要有胆到纽约来闹,就一并拿下。 Unfortunately, the reunion brought joy too short, the New York police and firefighters could be whether you are a beast or a terrorist corps as long as the courage to come to downtown New York, also won. 看样子就知道这几个是打非洲来的,发配回原地。 It ears that we are a few of Africa is playing, the allocation back to the place. 于是,动物们被装进木板箱押上远洋轮船。 As a result, the animals were put into wooden boxes ocean-going vessels.

轮船一路风浪颠簸,令关在箱子里的四只娇生惯养的园中动物叫苦不迭。 Ferry bumps along the storm all the way, so that in the box 4 cosseted Jiaokubudie animals in the park. 天降神兵! Tianxiangshenbing! 早有预谋的四只企鹅迅速打翻船员、敲晕船长。 He planned well in advance of the four penguin crew quickly knocked down, knock long seasick. 失控的轮船被海浪吞没,船上的货物也被海水冲到了岸边的沙滩上。 Out-of-control ship was engulfed wes, the ship's cargo has been washed into the sea shore on the beach. 四个土生土长的纽约佬兴奋地挣脱木箱:“外国到了(也就是马达加斯加岛),我们自由了!”从小到大都有人类的照顾,可是现在他们该如何应付野外生存的新挑战呢? The four guys born and raised in New York excited to get rid of wooden box: "to a foreign (that is, Madagascar Island), we are free!" From small to large he to take care of human beings, but they now how to deal with the survival of the wild new challenges? 如何亲身体验“野生世界才是真正的丛林”这句话的含义呢? How to experience the "real world of wild jungle," the meaning of this phrase? 蒋勇/文 Jiang Yong / text

声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。 : Sina exclusive articles, please specify the source reproduced.











美国纽约影评人协会奖(New York Film Critics Circle Awards)

美国芝加哥影评人协会奖(Chicago Film Critics Circle Awards)


美国独立精神奖(Independent Spirit Awards)



美国国家评论协会奖(National Board of Review Awards)


Internet**奖(internet movie awards)



捷克卡罗维法利国际**节(Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


俄罗斯莫斯科国际**节(Moscow International Film Festival)


西班牙圣塞巴斯蒂安国际**节(San Sebastian International Film Festival)


阿根廷马塔布拉塔国际**节(Mar del Plata International Film Festival)


英国爱丁堡国际**节(Edinburgh International Film Festival):

英国伦敦国际**节(London Film Festival):

法国南特三大洲**节(The Festival of the 3 Continents):

意大利都灵国际**节(Torino International Film Festival):

荷兰鹿特丹国际**节(International Film Festival Rotterdam):

瑞典斯德哥尔摩**节(Stockholm International Film Festival):

瑞典哥德堡**节(Goteborg International Film Festival) ;

德国国际妇女**节(International Women's Film Festival):

瑞士洛加诺国际**节(Locarno International Film Festival)

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加拿大多伦多亚洲国际**节(Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival):

加拿大温哥际**节(Annual Vancouver International Film Fesitival):

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美国拉丁**节(International Latino Film Festival):

美国芝加哥国际**节(Chicago International Film Festival):

美国芝加哥国际儿童**节(The Chicago International Children's Film Festival):

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美国夏威夷国际**节(Hawaii International Film Festival):

美国纽约独立**节(New York Independent Film Festival):

美国纽约地下**节(New York Underground Film Festival):

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美国旧金山国际亚裔**节(San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival):

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中国香港国际**节(Hong Kong International Film Festival):

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新加坡国际**节(Singapore International Film Festival):

亚太**节(Asian Pacific Film Festival):

曼谷国际**节(The Bang International Film Festival):

澳大利亚悉尼国际**节(Sydney Film Festival):

澳大利亚墨尔本国际**节(Melbourne International Film Festival):

美国奥斯卡**金像奖(Academy Awards):

欧洲**奖(European Film Awards):

英国**学院奖(British Academy Awards):

法国凯撒奖(César Awards):

迪拜**节(Dubai Film Festival)








“NO 他们来这里是为了被唤醒,梦境已经变成他们的现实世界,你说不是吗?”一个看守睡梦中的人的老人。这时柯比明显有些被问得不知所措。还有这个老人干嘛要对着柯比说这话呢?上面的问题明明是哉藤问的,他应该面向哉藤回答才是,再者柯比不也是第一次来这里,他与老人应该未谋面的。




















《天之炽》是中国作家江南的系列幻想。 本书原型《荆棘王座》,也是江南写的西方历史架空,原文在《幻想纵横》杂志连载未曾出版,原与沧月同写此题材作为兄妹篇,沧月已经出版《风玫瑰》,但是江南一直拖延。

后来以此作为原型大刀阔斧重新撰写,即为《天之炽》。目前成书三部《天之炽1:红龙的归来》《天之炽 女武神上》《天之炽 女武神下》。






如果可以请纳 谢谢 也可以翻译i想要的** 英文在下面 中英对照 很辛苦 尽量纳 出品公司 片名:嫁个有钱人




Hong Kong




2002年2月7日 [编辑本段]演职员表 导演 Director

谷德昭 Vincent Kok

演员 Actor

郑秀文 Sammi Cheng .....Mi

任贤齐 Richie Ren .....Christmas Yan

林海峰 Jan Lamb .....Wilson

胡枫 Fung Woo .....Uncle D (as Fung Wu) [编辑本段]剧情介绍 一颗流星在天空划过,阿me(郑秀文)许愿:“我想嫁个有钱人”,但见流星从远处坠落,地上出现一本名叫《玻璃鞋》的工具书。阿me拾起书,书的内容是以大家耳熟能详的“灰姑娘”故事作为引子。阿me被书中精辟独到的见解所打动,于是一个浪漫喜剧由此开始。





其实,阿诞的不辞而别其实有不可告人的原因,其实阿诞心中万分想念阿me,究竟阿me的“灰姑娘”故事能否延续?童话中的公主能否得到她的幸福玻璃鞋…… [编辑本段]影评评价 谷德昭的《嫁个有钱人》与刘镇伟的《天下无双》、杜琪峰的《呖咕呖咕新年财》并列,成为当年三部强档贺岁影片,并且赢得了不错的票房成绩。灰姑娘的故事一直以来都是爱情**的经典素材,而此次也是郑秀文和任贤齐继《夏日麽麽茶》后的第二次合作,不过这次显然不如上一次那样和谐,演员各自的实力也不如上一部。而且这部**的故事过于简单,套路也没有什么新鲜的,喜剧部分不够好笑,爱情部分不够温情。作为一部现代爱情童话,这部**的一切都着实平平。 Production company


Release date

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong

February 7, 2002



February 7, 2002

[Edit this paragraph] speech staff of the table

Director Director

Vincent Kok Vincent Kok

Actor Actor

Sammi Cheng Sammi Cheng ..... Mi

Richie Ren Richie Ren ..... Christmas Yan

Jan Lamb Jan Lamb ..... Wilson

Hu Feng Fung Woo ..... Uncle D (as Fung Wu)

[Edit this paragraph] Plot Introduction

A meteor across the sky, Ah me (Sammi Cheng) make a wish: "I want to Marry a Rich Man", but see meteors falling from a distance, the ground is there one called "Boli Xie," the tool. A me pick up the book, the contents of the book is familiar to everyone, "Cinderella" story as a prelude. A me was the book touched by incisive insights, so a romantic comedy to begin.

Open the "Boli Xie" That book, A book referred to me in accordance with the steps to prepare for visitors to learn: learning voice, eye contact, facial expressions, conversation, body language, etiquette, for future joined the rank the higher classes.

A me start looking for the rich journey, treling first-class trel to Europe, because first-class cabin is certainly rich gathering place. Sure enough, the A me A case of a birth (Richie Jen). The two men spent a romantic holiday in Europe, and perhaps made a lifetime commitment. A legend of me on the road found in the crystal Boli Xie, but are costly, A birth promised in any case would be sent to A Boli Xie and well-being of me hands.

Just A me basking in the moment among the fairy tale, A Festival actually walked out and diseared without a trace. A me apart from the loss of spiritual experience, but also bear the economic losses.

A me back to Hong Kong, was the "High Fidelity" has deeply affected, becoming low self-esteem. But all they took a dramatic turn, Ah me know the city well-known diamond bachelor, more unusual is that he marry me to Afghanistan.

In fact, the A's walked birth has a hidden agenda because, in fact, ge birth to the hearts of extremely A miss A me, A me what the "Cinderella" story can continue? Fairy tale princess in her well-being of the ailability of Boli Xie ... ...

[Edit this paragraph] Critics Evaluation

Vincent Kok's "Marry a Rich Man" and Jeffrey Lau's "Chinese Odyssey", Johnnie To's "Fat cushions cracking mutter New Year money" side by side, becoming the 3 thing as the Lunar New Year film, and won a good box office. Cinderella's story has always been a love of classic movie material, but this is Sammi Cheng and Richie Ren Ji "Summer Holiday" after the second round of cooperation, but this arently is not as good as last time, as a harmonious, actors of their respective strength is not above 1. And the film's story is too simple, routine has nothing fresh, funny comedy part is not enough, love is not enough some warmth. As a modern fairy tale of love, the film's all really flat.