






Among the movies that I he ever seen , I like <<Who am I >> best. This is an action movie and its hero is Jack chen. In the film ,the hero lost his memory because of an unexpected accident. He tried his hard to finish his task in danger of losing his life. He had been in trouble for many times but he managed to get over them. During the time he gradually recovered his memory and realized his situation. With the help of many other kind people , he gradually got rid of many difficulties . The hero's optimistic attitude and his persistent spirit moved me most. It will inspire me to face all kinds of difficulties brely. It convinces me that only by working hard and persisting all the time can we he the chance to succeed. This film has very exciting plots, which makes us very interested in it .


《Big Fish》

It is a fairy tale talking about family bonds. When the father was young, it was his forite to tell stories to his little boy. But when the boy grew up, he thought those stories were all fake. As a result, he disliked his father and lived far away from his father. Many years later, the father caught cancer and didn't he much time to live, so the son came back home to look after him. This time the son realized the strong love contained in those fancy stories and the two forge each other. From this movie, I learned how to deal with generation gap between father and son.





Education should he four hearts, determination, perseverance, confidence, common heart after watching the film, I also read a lot about this film critic. It should be said that it is the classical classic, re reviews, but also some criticism, such as the plot, old-fashioned, no suspense story lacks reality basis. But, I think a nutritious film, not its story, it is not that there is no real basis, but it can not let people think, to realize! After watching this movie, I still he feeling, here I will talk about a little reflection on me:

The first is determination, in which there is a goal or a direction, and we must strive for it. At the beginning, just in order to repay mother Malik Helen before returning to school teaching. She did not make a decision to teach a good student, so she decided to go back to Las Vegas to continue her work as a singer when she was a hoax. Of course, things he come to a "beautiful" accident here, that is, the sister of the unexpected discovery of the bishop of the general bishop of the last semester to close the school of st.. This makes the sense of justice, she decided to stay, as she can help these need to help the students and nuns. Careful student is not difficult to find, when she decided to stay, she began to really carry out the rectification of the classroom. Wearing a hat and glasses, no! Look at the magazine! Class look in the mirror! "" if the student has to lee her class she was unmoved, which allows students to see her resolve.

Second is perseverance, in the process of hard work is bound to encounter some difficulties, but this is life, if you can not overcome these difficulties, we can not make progress and success. When the children decided to go to the Quanzhou music competition, leing the nuns there are many difficulties, the president of the opposition, the parents do not agree, raising funds and so on. These difficulties are very easy to give up the enthusiasm of people and to kill people's morale, but they he not been defeated by these difficulties. Still try to solve. This spirit is worth our study.

And then confidence, and finally to the target may be worse than a little bit, but must not lose confidence. Glenn when three consecutive high school also sang for their songs, but also sing very good momentum, the students obviously lost confidence in playing drums, they made clear to go back, do not want to live in. Then McClaren nun said "this is your style, a new situation is encountered a terrible It's politic to lee., if it was to escape, escape all of you for a lifetime." This is the teacher of the king dared for just perfect.

Finally is the ordinary heart, no matter how, must be treated with the usual heart. At the end of the stage, the sister of the mother's sister let the students take off their robes and let them take the stage. In fact, she did not only relax the mood of the students can let the children play on the stage to play their own, and let them different from other groups. Four words: surprise.


辛巴达有很多集,不知你是要哪一集, 我随便找了一集给你参考:

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Hollywood Says

Although Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas may not necessarily he that certain Pixar cleverness for adults, it provides more than enough good old-fashioned entertainment for the family.


The animated Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas has all the great adventure of the story wred up in a sy little package for the kiddies. Taken from the ancient tales of the Arabian Nights, Sinbad is a rogue who cares only about what is in his and his crew's best interest--and little else. As the film begins, he unsuccessfully tries to steal the Book of Peace--which keeps order in the world--from his childhood best friend Proteus, the Prince of Syracuse, who is sailing to the city to return the sacred book. Although the two are estranged, it's clear they still he a kinship. When the Book of Peace is actually stolen by Eris, the goddess of chaos, she frames Sinbad for the theft. Proteus stands up for his friend and makes the council give Sinbad one chance to find and return the precious book, or Proteus will die on his behalf. Disbelieving the threat, the pirate decides to blow the whole thing off, but Proteus' beautiful betrothed, Marina, who has stowed away on Sinbad's ship, has other plans. Marina has Sinbad's crew on her side and it could turn mutinous if the guy doesn't fulfill the mission. OK, so he'll go get the book. Eris doesn't make it easy for our reluctant hero--dispatching both monstrous creatures and the elements to do battle along the way. But ultimately, the bre Sinbad learns a few life lessons, falls in love and wins out by following his heart. Aww!


See what a little success in the animated world can get you? These days, an animated film can demand the attention of any A-list actor to provide the voices, not just your occasional Robin Williams. We he Finding Nemo with the voices of Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres, and now Sinbad, which attracted huge names such as Brad Pitt (Sinbad), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Marina), Michelle Pfeiffer (Eris) and Joseph Fiennes (Proteus). It could also be the fact DreamWorks' animation king Jeffrey Katzenberg has the clout to rope them all in. Pitt as Sinbad is roguishly clever, infusing the pirate with the requisite amount mischievousness and rebellion, while Zeta-Jones provides the adventurous Marina with the right amount of brado and vulnerability. Fiennes as the stiff but honorable Proteus is fine, but you can tell right away who has the most fun with her character; Pfeiffer's Eris is a pure delight in sound as well as sight. She is able to take her Catwoman persona from Batman Returns and elevate it to a, well, celestial level. In the supporting roles, Dennis Haysbert does a nice job as Sinbad's right-hand man Kale as does Adriano Giannini, the son of legendary actor Giancarlo Giannini, as the ship's lookout Rat. Kudos all around for a job well done.


As a self-proclaimed fan of those cheesy 10s Sinbad movies, including The Golden Voyage of Sinbad and Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger--where the stop-motion special effects of wizard Ray Harryhausen made it all worthwhile--the idea of an animated version of Sinbad seems perfectly fitted for the genre. Now, the mythical creatures could be fully realized in vivid Technicolor, where the DreamWorks' animators spare no expense in providing their own visions of things such as sirens, sea monsters and giant birds of prey. The artwork for Eris is a particular stroke of genius, with the flowing black hair and beautifully evil features; the film definitely comes alive when she is onscreen. As well, the action sequences are as exciting as any car chase or gun battle you'll see in a live-action film. The drawback for the adults is the film's slightly schmaltzy story about friendship and, of course, true love. It's not entirely clear why computer-animated films such as Shrek and Finding Nemo are now becoming the only animated films that eal to everyone, adults and kids alike. It used to be traditional, hand-drawn classics, such as The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, did the trick, but now it seems animated films need only provide spectacular visuals--without a great story and sny dialogue to back them up.


The film through the Kane friends relatives recall showed us a newspaper tycoon Kane legend, sentimental life. I know that this film is very famous, and called the best film in the history of American film. I also he many impressions after watching the film. First, all the clues are all around before Kane died said "Rosebud" and proceed. I think this is the most wonderful thing in this film. Because "Rosebud" let me he a lot of curiosity. I am eager to know what it means in the end. Kane has a legendary life, and even those people who closest to him are very difficult to judge him. Some say he is a lucky rogue, a spoiled, no principles of their own irresponsible behior people. Some say he is a great man, a successful, paradoxical people. He has been intoxicated with power and influence in their own consciousness, in addition to himself, he does not believe anyone. He is always in people's line of sight as a mystery, he has been in the glory, all the personality just because one sentence: "The world can decide how I do with only one, that is me!" However, at the end of the film, to borrow a young reporter Thompson said that "Rosebud" is not all one answer: Kane has been everything he wanted, and lost it all. "Rosebud" is probably something he did not get, maybe he lost something. Just then, slowly camera and took the kid to play with Kane's sled, in the zoom the "Rosebud" words slowly emerge. Film seems to imply that early life is innocent and beautiful, but Kane is like a ripening le, always remembered, is still the green that unfettered time, but in the past he been unable to reproduce. "Rosebud" in the end how to decipher, as the "Citizen Kane" in the critical interpretation. Everyone was looking for the answer, but that there was no way to find the answer yet. Only to ourselves slowly to taste.



守护者联盟 Rise of the Guardians

No Christmas is complete without a Christmas movie. As the number of possible new Christmas themed stories dwindles, connections grow more tenuous. This year we he a film with no direct link to the winter festivities, but we do get Alec Baldwin as a muscular Father Christmas (with 'naughty' and 'nice' tattooed on his arms), one of several heroes charged with protecting the children of the world.

The set-up is formulaic, to say the least. This group of heroes is called into action when the world is threatened by the Bogeyman (Jude Law), a standard snivelling, effete villain who wants everyone to live in fear and darkness because, well, that's what he does. Unable to fight him alone, the team - which also includes the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and the Easter Bunny (the only one who doesn't share his name with a horror movie villain) - must recruit a new ally. The mysterious Man in the Moon, whose Thunderbird 5 potential sadly goes unrecognised, tells them this should be the nimble trickster Jack Frost. But Jack doesn't see himself as a hero. He's just a lonely boy who struggles to believe in himself because nobody else believes in him. Can he rise to the challenge?

This is a film whose plot contains more holes than any of its heroes' warrens or magic portals, but it's far from the worst such festive fantasy fare, and after a weak start it picks up the pace. Thee's some dazzling animation work, even it does tend to repeat its best tricks too often, and young children will love the bright, magical worlds it carries us through. Where films like this often struggle to get the balance right when it comes to scaring younger viewers this is, if anything, a bit too light on the fear factor, given its theme, but at least it means parents won't he to sit up at night talking it over. It's stronger when it comes to the subject of loneliness, with Chris Pine bringing depth to a thinly written Jack, though he really sounds too old for the part.

Balancing out the sugar in which the whole thing is smothered is a vein of irreverent humour. Hugh Jackman's Easter Bunny is by far the most entertaining of Jack's allies. Quite why he's Australian is never explained, but the boomerangs are a nice touch and the Crocodile Dundee jokes smoothly integrated into the whole. There's also very dark humour surrounding the incidental cruelty with which Father Christmas' tiny pointy-hatted minions are treated, being frozen, electrocuted or knocked off things in passing.

Copy picture

There is absoluely nothing in this film that is not predictable, even for young viewers, and they too may become tired of the story glossing over its intrinsic weaknesses - if our heroes depend on children believing in them why don't they let themselves be seen more often? Still, the film's prettiness and energy mostly suffice to carry it through the rough patches. As Christmas entertainment goes, you could do a lot worse.



没有圣诞节是不完整的圣诞**。由于可能出现的新的圣诞主题故事的数量不断减少,连接变得更加脆弱。今年,我们有没有直接的联系到了冬季节日**,但我们得到亚历克·鲍德温作为肌肉圣诞老人(与'淘气'和'好'纹在他的怀里) ,几个英雄之一,负责保护孩子们世界。

该设置是公式化的,至少可以这样说。这组英雄被称为行动当世界受到威胁的可怕之处(裘德·洛) ,一个标准的哭哭啼啼,筋疲力尽的小人谁希望每个人都生活在恐惧和黑暗,因为,那是他做什么。无法单独对付他,球队 - 其中还包括牙仙,睡魔和复活节兔子(谁不与恐怖**恶棍分享他的名字只有一个) - 必须招募新的盟友。神秘人在月球,其雷鸟5潜在黯然得不到承认,告诉他们这应该是灵活的骗子杰克弗罗斯特。但是杰克并没有看到自己是一个英雄。他只是一个孤独的男孩谁的斗争,相信自己,因为没有人相信他。他能迎接挑战?



有没有在这个**是不可预测的,即使是年轻观众absoluely什么,他们也可能会很疲劳的故事掩饰其内在的弱点 - 如果我们的英雄取决于孩子相信他们为什么不自己让自己被看作更多的时候?不过,影片的可爱和能源大多足以通过粗糙补丁携带它。随着圣诞节的的话,你可以做很多事情更糟。



Guardians of the Galaxy is a brilliant movie by doing this Marvel has expanded its universe.

The first thing to note is that the introduction is very sad because peter's mother dies from cancer, he is then taken by aliens away from earth. The storyline picks up twenty six years later on a planet which contains the orb, this holds the purple infinity gem which in the comics controls space.Then it leads to all the main characters excluding Drax to a secure prison. All members including Drax escape from prison and go to sell the orb to the collector. However this turns out bad because Drax calls Ronan telling them the location because he wants to enge the deaths of his family members. The story leads to Ronan hing the infinity stone and the guardians of the galaxy need to se the day. This is part of Marvel's phase two movies but is helping to set the up phase three because it has characters such as Thonas which is apart of the storyline. My personal view is that this movie is very well directed and has a very good storyline James Gunn has done a brilliant job and should direct more movies. I would go as far as saying that this is better than the Avengers Assemble and that is quite something good job.

Read the "Black Hawk Down" my biggest feeling is, Spielberg's "Sing Private Ryan" take or too soft. Note that I said the hard and soft standard is not based on the movie out of the many tricker or recall how many bags of plasma.Spielberg's style is always warm, even Kubrick so desperate "artificial intelligence" by Spielberg after the renovation, has become a kind of feel special.The difference between Scott and Spielberg both, just and soundtrack masterHans Zimmer and John Williams in very different styles complement each other.Hans Zimmer soundtrack is amazing!

The film was not only true false questions, in fact, to say that this film is certainly not true, you want to put the war correspondent news material integration into a documentary, can he this effect? Impossible. The story is only a carrier, it is important to the director story he wanted to say. Compared with "Sing Private Ryan" flying the flag USA theme, the film or much more harmonious. The directordidn't stand in the America center, did not stand on the moral high ground. Thisis really rare. But this film shows the scene scheduling and control ability ofdirector extraordinary!

The opening of a Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor and Orlando Bloom three bithandsome guy eared together, I thought the three men to a play. Didn't think Orlando volleying bullets didn't play on the wounded. In fact, the play is only onehero is Josh, but Josh was really good, completely changed my original cognitionto him. The rest is basically a portrait, in trivia director also said, had been before the war started to pe the way for many roles, some interpretation, then think ittoo long is basically eliminated. So the whole look down I can't distinguish between several people, but it's ok.