



5.求三部英文**赏析 影评 纯英文的 谢谢 尽快!!!高分悬赏!!!





"Forrest Gump" is a film directed by Robert Zemigis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and released in the United States on July 6, 1994.


The film is adapted from the novel of the same name published by the American writer Winston Glum in 1986.?


It depicts the boy of the innate mental retardation, Forrest Gan, who is self-improving, and finally "stupid people he stupid blessings" to get the for of God. Inspirational stories that create miracles in multiple fields.


After the film was released, he won 6 awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995.










“Run, Forrest,Run!”


《阿甘正传》作为一部励志大片,起初给我的印象并不是多么催人奋进的:主角阿甘本身是一个不知理想抱负为何物的迟钝青年,他所信奉的也不过是别人的告诫。阿甘说过:我只是去跑,但不知道跑向何处。显然这是一句话没有主见的话。阿甘也习惯由别人给自己制定方向:从小到大开口闭口也都是“Momma said…(妈妈说…)”;脑中想的永远都是Jenny说的“Run, Forrest!(快跑,阿甘!)”;继承的也是死去好友Bubba的捕虾事业;哪怕横跨美国的长跑也是先前完全没有过的。“没有志向”是我们这个时代最不可能被原谅的“恶习”了,打小时候起就被教导“要做树立远大的理想的‘四有’青年”,没主见的孩子一定会被看作“没出息”,好似理想越远大,大到想做国家,这个孩子才真的有出息。而二十一世纪的青少年们都崇尚叛逆、朝气蓬勃、敢打敢闹,长辈或是朋友的告诫又怎么会放在心上,听话的孩子肯定是个“傻冒”。但阿甘将母亲和朋友的话句句牢记,事事遵循,这样一个“听话”的孩子得到“大人们”的评价是什么呢?阿甘第一次真正意义上受到表扬是在军营里,黑人长官给予的评价是:“Godamnit, Gump! You're a godamned genius! That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard. You must he a godamned I.Q. of a hundred and sixty! You are godamned gifted, Private Gump! (天杀的,阿甘!你真是个天杀的天才!这是我这辈子听到最了不起的回答。你一定有个天杀的160的智商,你天杀的真有天赋,大兵阿甘!)”是什么让长官如此激动地接连说出四个“天杀的”,阿甘的回答真的如他所说,是最最“outstanding”的吗,阿甘的回答仅仅是“To do whatever you tell me(做您吩咐我的一切)”,阿甘选择的就是服从,完全的服从,但仅仅是盲从吗?那为什么阿甘会在丛林遭受伏击的时候,唯一一次违抗丹中校的命令,再次折回丛林拯救最好的朋友Bubba,那绝不是盲目所为,原来阿甘的“服从”仅仅源自于信赖和情感,将自己完完整整地交给自己信赖的人,因为信赖的人一定会为你指明道路,这样做不就是等于相信你自己吗?这样的做人岂不是很简单很快乐吗?

仅仅是懂得“服从”,阿甘会有这样的成功吗?当然不会。母亲对阿甘说:“Stupid is as stupid does(傻人做傻事)”。阿甘就立刻把自己定位成傻子,勤勤恳恳地做着“聪明人”不愿意做“傻”事;爱人珍妮对阿甘说:“Run, Forrest,Run!”,所以阿甘从此以后就想也不想全力以赴地去跑,连走都不会去用。就是这样跑过了备受欺压的童年,跑过了危险的越南战场,跑过了整个美国大陆,一路“跑”成了“橄榄球星”、“战争英雄”、“外交大使”、“捕虾船长”、“百万富翁”……很不可思议吧,其实一点也不奇怪,因为阿甘一早就已经掌握了成功的秘籍:“If I was going somewhere, I was running(如果我想去哪里,我都是跑着去的)”,阿甘始终跑着去实现这些“奇迹”,永不停歇。先由自己信赖的人为自己制定好方向,阿甘只要用尽全力朝着这个方向跑,纵然起步比别人低了不少,但会过程已经简单了不少,照样会比别人先到达。现在你相信“阿甘奇迹”了吗?

影片表达的绝对主题是“跑”,但却又不乏沉重的话题:对弱势群体的歧视、种族歧视问题、越战和反战、毒品和艾滋病,但这些沉重的事情在阿甘的身边发生,在阿甘看来却完全不值得一提,因为他都会用“跑”来应对,他通常选择的是“跑开”而不是“回击”:欢度新年时,丹中校找来两个姑娘“共度良宵”,但阿甘却把她们赶走,丹问他为什么他不喜欢那个姑娘,阿甘回答:“She tastes like cigarettes.(她尝起来像香烟)”只是因为不喜欢,也觉得不好,所以就选择回避。比起那个穿着星条旗满口带“操”字的反战演讲者,阿甘显得更睿智,也更直接。如果每个人都懂得对不好的东西选择“跑开”,那世界上还会有这么多丑恶和肮脏吗?

“Run, Forrest,Run!”这句告诫是告诫阿甘事事不要逞强,学会保护自己,而阿甘却不单单把它理解为“逃避”,他加上了自己的理解:在越南丛林的驰骋,回家路上的飞奔,在暴风雨中扬帆前行,横跨美国的长途之旅…这句话居然能改变了阿甘的一生。希望都能理解到“跑”的含义,懂得什么时候该去奋力追逐,什么时候又应该去选择逃避…“Run, Forrest,Run!”是Jenny送给阿甘的礼物,但阿甘却把它变成自己的东西。至少迟钝的阿甘很懂得选择,我们这些“正常人”也能选择好吗?

“You're my girl.”

在剧院的那场戏中,当阿甘为Jenny解围后,Jenny问阿甘“Why are you so good to me?(为什么你对我这么好?)”,阿甘给出的回答就是“You're my girl.(你是我的女孩)”,如此简单的回答却如此地让人感动。我本不想去谈爱情,但这部**中的爱情太直接太纯粹太感人,不得不落俗套地谈一谈,不然实在太可惜了。

Jenny和阿甘青梅竹马的好朋友,他俩却是如此的迥然不同。阿甘不抽烟不喝酒,只是喜欢喝上“一点点”汽水,他谦虚忍让、诚恳善良,只会默默付出,不曾要求过回报,他勇敢地冒死拯救战友,他乐善好施、知恩图报;而Jenny喝酒吸烟,甚至性乱,她狂乱不羁、放纵堕落,她成天幻想成为明星,追逐自己所谓的梦想;她一次次的冷酷回绝阿甘,一次次伤透阿甘的心。阿甘生活在那个令人向往的纯真世界中,而珍妮却生活在充满诱惑的沉迷世界里。他们是如此的对立,是生活在两个完完全全不同世界的两个人。很难想象阿甘愿意坚守这样的一个女人。到底是什么原因呢?“You are my girl.”仅仅是因为这句话。小Jenny是第一个接受阿甘的人,幼时始终陪伴着阿甘身旁,爱护着幼小的阿甘,阿甘也真的视Jenny为最重要的人,愿意守护在她的身边,等待她的回心转意,“I'll always be your girl.(我永远是你女孩。)”这是Jenny给出的回答,阿甘为此义无反顾。但爱情不能勉强,阿甘却如此的聪明,一早他就明白了这个道理,所以他选择的是等待厮守,任凭时光更迭,日月流淌,都不曾改变,只可惜他最后等到的已不再是那个“小Jenny”了…

或许小Jenny的祈祷一开始就注定了这个悲剧女主角的流魄命运:“Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here.(亲爱的主啊,让我变成鸟儿从这里飞走,飞到很远很远的地方。)”,但阿甘还是呆在原处爱着她;Jenny说:“A lot of people try to grab me. Just -- you can't keep doing this all(许多男人都想占我便宜,但…你不可能永远保护我)”,阿甘回答说:“I can't keep it. I love you.(我是不能,但我爱你。)”阿甘实话实说,因为他真的做不到,他无法强迫改变Jenny,他的心里一定暗自懊恼,他多想一辈子保护Jenny。 “I would never hurt you, Jenny.(我绝不会伤害你,珍妮。)”同样的话在那个所谓的反战领袖Wesley嘴里也曾说过,但那是多么的不切实际,阿甘却说到做到。“I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away. (珍妮,我想你。如果你需要我,我会在不远处。)”在Jenny那白色的墓前,阿甘纵情哭泣,他多想永远陪在Jenny的身边,和她一起登上“珍妮”号捕虾船,一起回到幼时长大的绿荫小镇,一起送“小阿甘”上学…但一切的一切都已经不可能了。


“I sure hope I don't let him down”

阿甘有过没有实现的承诺吗?从来没有,“I sure hope I don't let him down(我保证不会让他倒下)”这是阿甘到达越南战场后暗自在心中做下的承诺,这不仅是他对丹中校的承诺,对战友们的承诺,也是对自己的承诺。但Bubba还是倒下了,丹中校也失去了他的双腿而“down”。 丹中校本想光荣的在战场上结束自己的生命,就想他的那些英雄前辈一样,但阿甘还是救了他的命。Bubba的死伤透了阿甘的心,但丹中校失去了双腿阿甘却认为不是末日,不是阿甘绝情,正如阿甘说的:“Yo-You're still Lieutenant Dan.(你…你还是那个丹中校。)”失去双腿的丹中校还是丹中校自己,还是和其他普通人一样。“You are no different than anybody else is.(你和别人没有什么不同)”,阿甘用妈妈的话鼓励着丹中校,帮助他重拾信心,使他慢慢的改变。




“Forrest : Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny.

Jenny : You would, Forrest.

Forrest : But you won't marry me.

Jenny : You don't want to marry me.

Forrest : Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.”


爱人死去,一段非常感人肺腑的感慨和诉说,使人潸然泪下。影片也就此渐渐画上句号。还是再看看碑文上的语句:“Jenny's gre marker reads: JENNY GUMP July 16, 1945 -- March 22, 1982 Beloved Mother, Wife and Friend (珍妮.甘,1945年7月16日到1982年3月22号,深爱的母亲、爱人和朋友)”,37岁就已逝去的爱人,原来阿甘也是如此年轻,他还有明天,还有“小阿甘”。但他所经历了一些人需要几辈子才能经历到的事情,不能不赞叹他的生命是一个奇迹!!!



It was just sooooo great! So much fun, too!! It's like every high school musical theater junkie's dream. Everyone was just excellent and the directing was superb. And I love the message this movie sends to young minds, that you explore other facets of expression other than the one that's socially acceptable. And I love the little undertones and suleties throughout the film. And I love how all the tough mean hard guys are CLEARLY dancers in real life. I was muy impressed!! Everything and everyone was perfect. From the clothes, casting, choreography, sets.... it all looks like a dream. And in beautiful clear New Mexico. Who could want anything more!



I he seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graduate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump endures. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's trels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.



The folks who actually like this movie are the reason Hollywood makes very few quality movies any more. If you don't care then why should they? This movie is so bad from the beginning. Numerous tornadoes pummeling a West Coast city and there are actually people flying in helicopters to get a closer look. That's a brainy idea. Buildings freezing and crumbling yet the people outside don't seem to be affected so much. The "walk" from Philadelphia to New York? And in record time no less. I do like the fact that they had the foresight to he Antarctic weather gear handy for just these occasions. What of the tent that was able to withstand the chill but not the Empire State building? Call your local Army Ny store....they really need to stock these tents. I also found it amazing that any lines of communications were not really affected, including the under freezing water pay phone. The only ones who had communications losses were, of course, the main characters.....ah drama!! I know they were in a library but you think they could he possibly tried to burn all the wooden tables and chairs around them? Seems that they would burn warmer and for longer than books. The acting was horrific, the directing was terrible, the script was unbelievably bad and the special effects were anything but special. It certainly rates up there with Godzilla 2000 and Armageddon......it actually makes Independence Day look like one of the all time greats!



I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that hens in this movie in unpredicted. The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while. The amount of courage and brery was inconceivable, there was barely any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.



I thought this movie was very well done. It is an overlooked treasure. Ron Howard is a great film maker and he deserves more credit for this film. I'm a huge Ron Howard fan and I felt that this film was no better than any of his work done thus far. The dialog was a bit hard to understand, but the plot, acting and directing are what make the movie so great. Nicole Kidman is so beautiful in the movie and she really carries the movie with her charisma. Tom Cruise plays his part very well. The scenery in the movie is some of the best I've ever seen. It is easy to lose yourself in this movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone I know.



This is the type of a film that's never boring no matter how often you watch it. It deserved every single award it got. It's touching, it's timeless and it's downright beautiful. I'm not a huge friend of extended versions because there's usually a perfectly good reason to take something out of the film and none whatsoever to put it back again, if pleasing hardcore fans isn't a good reason - that's totally a matter of opinion. However, "Dances with wolves" is certainly an exception.

The nearly four hour version is the only one to be. Sure it sounds like it's too much but when you watch the movie it doesn't look a minute overlong and cutting even a second out of it would seem like a horrible crime. The original theater version was 52 minutes shorter which sound too cruel to be true. I mean really, what's there to cut? If you hen't seen "Dances with wolves" yet you he missed one of the greatest motion picture experiences of the 90's and you should do something about it instantly.




The matrix is another film that says no to the "human center". It has written a new chapter in the relationship between man and machine. Its conceptual impact and historical significance even exceed the three laws of robots.?

This is a kind of release, a kind of energy conversion. The film will ignite you and make you dizzy in dazzle. It's like an animated but three-dimensional film. Science fiction fans won't want to miss every second of the film.






 "life is like a box of chocolates, forrest. you never know what you?re going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一句话,在影片的开头就用这句话给了我一个深入的思考:每个性命轨迹都在不同的地区存在着,而且是绝无仅有的存在着。



 我们不仅要学习阿甘的坚忍不拔的精力,而且要学习阿甘待人仁慈的心灵,更要学习阿甘 ?傻?的处世方法。当咱们在阅历每一个首要的人生阶段时,当我们为一件主要的事情做决策时,我们不仅要有坚韧的精神,要有向善的心灵,更要有傻的态度,不要让利欲摆布了眼睛,不要让自己的得失影响糊口。信任如你有阿甘的精力再加之比阿甘优胜得智商怎么不会胜利呢。

 阿甘的一辈子是幸福充实的,他在给路人讲述他的阅历时开头语是:?我妈妈常说人生就像一盒chocolate , 或许他的幸福就来自于他从来就没品清楚chocolate 的滋味与人生有甚么瓜葛。我也在感慨经常在埋怨自己生涯在烦恼里,感到工作在懊恼中,身旁总有许很多多懊恼的事情。或许我们的懊恼就在于我们太爱好品尝糊口的味道,摩托罗拉经典铃声,带着自己的口味往看待每一件事,当碰到分歧口味的事情时就发生了烦恼。或者者或许生涯中工作中的每一件事情都不用品的太明确,因为我们常带着不少附加的尺度,这恰是约束咱们的苦恼起源。当我们用单纯的目标,用阿甘式的人生哲理去对于待咱们四周的一切时,骨质增生的原因,繁杂的事情会简略化,氟塑料磁力泵,抵触的问题会清楚化,糊口会由此而变得幸福。



求三部英文**赏析 影评 纯英文的 谢谢 尽快!!!高分悬赏!!!

"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一句话,在影片的开头就用这句话给了我一个深刻的思考:每一个生命轨迹都在不同的地域存在着,而且是独一无二的存在着。 阿甘的生命乐章是不是就是根据这样的话,这样的教诲而一步一步的走着不一样的人生道路,阿甘从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。这是不是是上帝给我们开的一个玩笑,或者生活原本就是这样的无法预料和无常无规,永远让你使料未及,无法琢磨。 阿甘在影片中被塑造成了美德的化身,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重视感情。在影片中,阿甘是十分纯洁的形象,对于所叙述的一切,影片自始自终都是以一种温情和善意的态度来表现的,甚至还加入了诗意化的成分,这使得影片显得柔和而无伤害性。在影片的开头和结尾,出现了一个让人深刻的镜头:在广阔的蓝天下,一根轻盈而洁白的羽毛飞啊飞,缓缓地降落在坐在长椅等九路公交车憨厚的阿甘脚下,身边是来来去去的人。我想,这是影片中的一种暗示,暗示着阿甘的人品的纯洁平淡而美丽。阿甘的人生,有一半是他母亲缔造的,而另一半是阿甘自己创造出来的。他注定不是一个出类拔萃的人。而上天又是如此的公平——往往会令起点不高的人比天生优越感十足的人更早更深刻地认识到生活中的真实。 阿甘的母亲给阿甘的是一笔精神财富,这样的哲学理论在母亲给他的那一刻起就已经转化成他自己的东西。就如他坐路边的长椅上和不相识的路上讲述他的,他在每一个理论前面加上三个字:妈妈说。 妈妈说,人生就象巧克力,你永远不知道你会尝到什么味道。 妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么不同,没有。 妈妈说,我只是告诉自己,当我做一件事的时候,我就要尽力去做好它,比如我这辈子做了你的妈妈,这是我无法选择的事,上帝把你给了我,我的孩子,我就必须尽力做好你的母亲,我做到了。 母亲的教育给阿甘的人生有非一般的触动,或许阿甘的人生在就从母亲教他的第一个单词开始的吧。或许,这样的影响是耳濡目染的,是深刻熏陶的吧。有了母亲的引导,然后便是阿甘自己的努力。 阿甘是个非常听话的孩子,这些话他都记住了,他说,笨人有笨人的作为。当珍妮叫他快跑的时候,他跌跌撞撞地跑了起来,跑散了他记忆中第一双神奇的鞋子,也发掘出了他的第一项潜质:跑。他一直在跑,开始是逃跑,后来他跑进了橄榄球队,再后来跑进了大学,跑得了学位。在越战战场上,他仍是牢记珍妮的话,跑回了自己的性命,也跑回荣誉和友情。 阿甘忠诚,所以在越战中他独自脱离了危险的时候,他仍然跑回丛林中去找他的战友。他守信,他答应了战友布巴要共买一艘捕虾船,但布巴死了,他却在旁人不可思议的眼神中为他实现了遗愿,也为自己赢得了巨大的财富。他执着,所以他会在珍妮离开后一跑三年,穿越了整个美国,一直不停,他告诉你,他只是想跑,他用跑步丈量人生,这不需要以和平自由或任何冠冕堂皇的东西为理由。他友善,在他救回中尉的性命后,失去了双腿的中尉一直对自己不能战死在战场上却仍以残废之躯苟且偷生而羞愧,而恼怒,因为中尉是这样一种人:他视荣誉高于一切,他不能忍受平凡,是阿甘用友善唤回他对生命的信心,使他发现,即使没有双腿,人生依然可以充满生机。 阿甘并没有远大的理想,他失去的也有很多,他很少有朋友,他总是被聪明人嘲笑,他最爱的母亲和珍妮先后离开了他...但对他并因为如此而沉没,爱还在延续,他还有自己的孩子,一个聪明的小阿甘,他的人生还在继续,他不聪明,但他永远知道如何让生命充满希望。所以他也就赢得了荣誉,财富和爱,这些常人可能永远不能兼得的东西。 故事的最后珍妮过世了,他们的儿子也已到了上学的年龄。甘送儿子上了校车,坐在公共汽车站的长椅上,看着一片纯白的羽毛飘飞,重回到自己的脚下。 阿甘在生命的每一个阶段,心中只有一个目标在指引着他,他也只为此而踏实地、不懈地、坚定地奋斗,直到这一目标的完成,又或是新的目标的出现。没有单纯的抉择就不会没有心灵的杂念;而没有心灵杂念的人,大概才能够在人生中举重苦轻。 在很多时候我们常常找不到做一件事的理由,那些不知为何而做的事情总是非常轻易地半途而废了。人的一生往往就是这样,就象片头和片尾中那片随风飘浮的白色羽毛,大多数时候,我们也许都在随波逐流,这种飘浮没有具体的方向,平淡到令人厌倦。可是,一个腾挪一个转身,总还是可以由自己控制的,你只须尽力将它做得完满,不要计较你究竟得到了多少,那么,你就可以越飞越高,你会发现,越往高处的地方,越接近天堂,所以我相信阿甘的成功并不是偶然。没有哪一种生命的轨迹是偶然出现的,它的出现总是遵循着某些规律,准备好了,在一个恰当的时机出现了,就变成了奇迹。 影片里的阿甘虽然智商只有75,但在他身上,我们看到了忠诚,守信,执着,友善这些人性中最为熠熠生辉,优秀可贵的品质;看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定,还有那平凡的生命里,突显的不平凡人生。这样的故事总是让我们感动,然后让我们难以忘记。或许,在十年,二十年,甚至更久远以后,我们依然记得那个曾经智障却跑出不一样人生的阿甘。


1. 乱世佳人:

Set in the Civil War, "Gone with the wind" tells the story of beautiful Scarlett O'Hara.

With each viewing, I grow to love this movie more. The most unforgettable scene is where Scarlett is walking through town where the wounded/dead soldiers are laying and the camera pans out further and further until you see the rebel flag wing and to me it is the defining scene of this film. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects can rival the effects we he today. If you are a fan of classic film, do not miss this one.

2. 阿甘正传

Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

3. 纳尼亚3黎明踏浪号:

It is time for Lucy and Edmund to he their adventure. Who better to he it with than Prince Caspian. Voyage of The Dawn Treader opens in war time Britain, allowing a slight glimpse into the spirit of the country's youth. The adventure begins in the home setting of the Pevensie's cousin, who is well portrayed as a constantly complaining brat of a kid and adds comedic spice to the tale. With just enough surprises and well done special effects, I found this episode to be a delightful Christmas Day movie.


Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.


《金刚》影评: Starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis. Directed by Peter Jackson. Written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and Peter Jackson. Produced by Jan Blenkin, Carolynne Cunningham, Fran Walsh and Peter Jackson. A Universal release. Adventure. Rated PG-13 for frightening adventure violence and some disturbing messages. Running time: 187 min. Fulfilling a lifelong dream to remake the movie that inspired him to become a filmmaker, Peter Jackson ("The Lord of the Rings") has at once amped the spectacle and deepened the emotional resonance of the original 1933 "King Kong" while adhering closely to its spirit. The result is a three-hour epic on par with his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy both in scale and thematic relevance, securing Jackson's reputation as the next great event filmmaker and heir to Steven Spielberg. With clever winks to the earlier version and a wicked wit, the basic premise remains the same -- a 1930s film crew sails to an uncharted island, where they discover a giant ape and bring it back to New York City to entertain the masses. But there are some key character changes here that intensify the audience's emotional involvement: Carl Denham (Jack Black, whose mug is a rich palette of expression, both comedic and sinister) isn't a successful filmmaker on his latest adventure but an Orson Welles-esque entrepreneur, a rapscallion whose current endeor will make or break his nascent career. Not just an anonymous waif, Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts, with classic beauty and eyes that glow like Chinese lanterns) here is an out-of-work vaudeville actress -- a background that endears her to her primate captor -- with aspirations for the stage. And Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody, in action-hero mode) is no lon 查看原帖>>


To be honest, this is the first time I ever write a review of a movie. And this beginning is a tough one—with an Oscar winner as its subject, surrounding which there is considerably controversy over the values it has questioned, the thoughts it tried to implicitly convey, and the art of the movie itself. The following discussion will go on as a dissection of this movie into several aspects. This dissection is, however, necessarily incomprehensive, and I would just try to make it a original review in the eyes of a busy, yet inspirational student of science who, from time to time, glances at the palace of arts with admiration and, more importantly, love.Forrest Gump> Film review Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can’t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> He got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.’s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston ? novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flor, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. He abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning, he added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undouedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel’s taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol . Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one’s word , conscientiously , bre paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behe with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, hing even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and he no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film lication of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director’s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>. Tom ? Hanks very much sincere naturally performance hing among film. He has oained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behior in this film. This second movie emperor’s money already whom he oained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .