








 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

 20XX - G - 113 Mins.

 Director: _____________________

 Producer: _____________________

 Written By: _____________________


 Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews,

 Hector Elizondo, Callum Blue, Chris Pine

 Review by: _____________________

 NO:(班号) _____________________

 I. Synopsis or summary of the plot:

 II. Main characters:

 III. Vocabulary: the words you he learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)


 explanation in English

 a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)

 IV: Conclusion: What message is being told? (if it is any) What was the director’s purpose or intention or the theme of the film? Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other film from the same director or genre…) What’s your opinion?


 The show

 After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For hiness, we all he the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of hiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of hiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of hiness. Is not only our personal hiness, but also people is hiness, hiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of hiness.



 My feeling of the film Notting Hill

 It’s an old film which showed us a romantic love story. After watching it, I he some feelings to share.

 Firstly, I think it’s far away from our real world. At least, I never thought I can he such an opportunity to be with a famous star. It is just like a dream. Because they are in different classes. Maybe they cannot share common interests and topics. Their life styles and friends can be different as well. However, it just hened in the film, maybe it is the reason why this film is so attractive and popular. After all, art comes from our lives and higher than lives. But I still insist that equal status as well as perfect match is really significant. Secondly, that two guys, Anna and William, they fall in love at the first sight, which impressed me a lot. Nowadays, plenty of people talk about if they can fall in love at the first sight. It is really a hot topic. I am wondering that what they can figure out just rely on the first sight. But love is an amazing thing indeed. We cannot know what will hen when we fall in love with others. One more thing, William’s pride makes influence. But after struggling, he found that

 he loved girl very much so he decided to strive for true love. To conclude, true love cannot be affected by time, space and any uncertain factors. Never give up.

 Finally, William’s sister makes a deep impression on me. She is a bre girl. I like her personality. By the way, the music in the film is pretty good. From my point of view, if the plots would be compact, the film will be prefect.



Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> He got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston ? novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. He abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , he added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undouedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , bre paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behe with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, hing even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and he no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film lication of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom ? Hanks very much sincere naturally performance hing among film. He has oained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he oained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .


阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!






Kung Fu Panda adopts the narrative logic of pure Oriental family ethics, which makes the whole story more relaxed.


This treatment makes the "theme" slightly thin, but it is more suitable for children to see.


This work will not be moved to tears, nor will it be ridiculous to laugh, but this balance point is the most relaxed viewing environment for "children".






《卡特教头》这部**你看过没有?Coach Carter,讲篮球教练的,我搞了篇你看看

"Coach Carter" is inspired by the true story of Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), a controversial California high school basketball who took a bunch of unruly underachievers and not only made them contenders but taught them how to find the "victory within."

But while the movie's motivational message is patently praiseworthy, the game it runs across the screen, for well over two hours, is so full of familiar moves from the likes of "Stand and Deliver," "Hoosiers" and "Remember the Titans" that it finally induces more fidgeting than cheers.

Thank goodness then for go-to guy Jackson. He takes what could he been a cardboard clich? role and puts flesh on it with his flamboyant intelligence, some sharp speeches and, of course, that castigating stare. In fact, when he first confronts the Richmond High Oilers players in the gym, calling them out as "young sirs," there are great glimmers of his "Pulp Fiction" character, Jules Winnfield, reciting Ezekiel's prophecy of wrath against the Philistines.

Also skilled is the young ensemble cast, including Robert, Ri'chard (who plays Carter's son), Rob Brown, Antwon Tanner, and Rick Gonzalez. They come together to portray a group of impoverished student athletes with a combination of sensitivity and street-smart surliness. Their often profane repartee, peppered with racial epithets and shrewd slurs, shines as the truest part of the script. And singer-songwriter Ashanti makes her acting debut with a thoroughly natural performance as the pregnant girlfriend of one of the players.

What doesn't work is the plodding pace director Thomas Carter ("Se the Last Dance") sets. The story line builds to the moment when Carter antagonizes the community by padlocking the doors to the gym and benching the entire undefeated team because some of the players hen't fulfilled their written contract to keep up their grades. And then it goes on and on from there, losing its momentum and dramatic tension in several tired subplots and at least one too many basketball games decided at the buzzer.

Samuel L. Jackson made news last week by refusing to co-star with 50 Cent in a movie based on the rer's life. He not only refused, but did it publicly, even though the film is to be directed by six-time Oscar nominee Jim Sheridan ("In America"). A clue to Jackson's thinking may be found in his new film, "Coach Carter," based on the true story of a California high school basketball who placed grades ahead of sports. Like Bill Cosby, Jackson is arguing against the anti-intellectual message that success for young black males is better sought in the worlds of rap and sports than in the classroom.

There is however another aspect to Jackson's refusal: He said he thought Sheridan wanted him to "lend legitimacy" to 50 Cent's acting debut. He might he something there. Jackson has an authority on the screen; he occupies a character with compelling force, commanding attention and can bring class to a movie. He might, he said, be interested in working with 50 Cent after the rer makes another five movies or so, and earns his chops.

This reasoning may not be fair. Consider the work that Ice Cube did in "Boyz N the Hood" (1991), his first movie and the beginning of a successful acting career. Or look at the promise that Tupac Shakur showed, especially in his last feature, "Gridlock'd" (19), holding his own with the veteran Tim Roth. Maybe 50 Cent has the stuff to be an actor. Maybe not. Jackson's decision may he more to do with the underlying values of the rer's life; he may not consider 50 Cent's career, so often involving violent episodes, to be much of a role model.

Role models are what "Coach Carter," Jackson's new film, is all about. He plays Ken Carter, who began as a sports star at Richmond (California) High School, setting records that still stand, and then had success in the military and as a small businessman. He's asked to take over as basketball , an unpaid volunteer position; the former tells him, "I can't get them to show up for school." Ken Carter thinks he can fix that.

The movie was directed by Thomas Carter ("Se the Last Dance"), no relation to the . It follows long-established genre patterns; it's not only a sports movie with the usual big games and important shots, but also a movie, with inspiring locker room speeches and difficult moral decisions. There are certain parallels with "Friday Night Lights," although there it's the movie itself, and not the , that underlines the futility of high school stars planning on pro sports as a career.

Certainly both movies give full weight to public opinion in the communities where they're set -- places where the public's interest in secondary education seems entirely focused on sports, where es are more important than teachers, where scores are more important than grades.

Coach Carter wants to change all that. He walks into a gymnasium ruled by loud, arrogant, disrespectful student jocks, and commands attention with the fierceness of his attitude. He makes rules. He requires the students to sign a contract, promising to maintain a decent grade-point erage as the price of being on the team. He deals with the usual personnel problems; a star player named Kenyon Stone (Ron Brown) has a pregnant girlfriend named Kyra (R&B singer Ashanti, in her, ahem, first role), and she sees a threat to her future in Carter's determination to get his players into college.

Ken Carter's most dramatic decision, which got news coverage in 1999, was to lock the gymnasium, forfeit games and endanger the team's title chances after some of his players refused to live up to the terms of the contract. The community of course was outraged that a would put grades above winning games; for them, the future for the student athletes lies in the NBA, not education.

Given the odds against making it in the NBA (dramatically demonstrated in the great documentary "Hoop Dreams"), this reasoning is like considering the lottery a better bet than working for a living.

Jackson has the usual big speeches assigned to all es in all sports movies, and delivers on them, big time. His passion makes familiar scenes feel new. "I see a system that's designed for you to fail," he tells his players, pointing out that young black men are 80 percent more likely to go to prison than to go to college. The movie's closing credits indicate that six of the team members did go on to college, five with scholarships. Lives, not games, were won.

从剧情本身,到主演Samuel Jackson的分析,很到位了,你可以用用;当然这部**也不错你可以有空看看,打字打得累死了,嘿嘿;新年快乐啊


《Big Fish》

It is a fairy tale talking about family bonds. When the father was young, it was his forite to tell stories to his little boy. But when the boy grew up, he thought those stories were all fake. As a result, he disliked his father and lived far away from his father. Many years later, the father caught cancer and didn't he much time to live, so the son came back home to look after him. This time the son realized the strong love contained in those fancy stories and the two forge each other. From this movie, I learned how to deal with generation gap between father and son.















2012 is a 2009 disaster film,it was directed by Roland Emmerich. The film stars by John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver.

The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and s of the world who are attempting to se as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.

I think,it will be, for its audiences, one of the most satisfactory films of the year and it really can be called the "mother of all disaster movies".