

3.三篇用英文写的英语**影评(主要内容、角色、演员的介绍,对它的评价)初一水平100左右 不要太长 有中文

4.英语影评泰坦尼克号,且带中文翻译 ,300字左右


6.看《哈利波特》系列,用英语写三十词左右的影评 初一水平就可以了~



I thought Chan Ho-sun’s latest movie, American Dreams in China, would be a more masculine version of Zhao Wei’s So Young. But not quite, as it turns out.


Although the film depicts a nostalgic campus life full of idealism for the future and the impulses of love, the story is more about starting out after innocent youth has faded.


Through the intertwined destinies of the movie’s protagonists, the audience witnesses a triangle of friendship, career ambitions and personal dreams seemingly collapse as three best friends desperately try to tie and twist these elements together.


That’s why Wang Yang (Tong Dawei), one of the three best friends, who start a business together, shares this lesson of life: “Never start a business with your best friends.”


He may be right. After all, no matter how close they are, differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart. Every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life.


Without knowing of Meng Xiaojun’s (Deng Chao) struggles in the US and his disillusion toward the country, there’s no way Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming) can understand why Meng is pushing all the agendas so hard. The parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined.


Even so, despite these differences, friendship always prevails. Cheng’s difficulties become a podium on which the three friends stand together. It’s through the emotional connection they developed over many years that they finally overcome their differences and reform the alliance.


What the film tries to convey is the triumph of brotherhood, which dates back to our naive, passionate youth when unconditional bonds of emotion are shaped.


So the film was never about business after all.





"Changjin Lake" is a war theme film with the largest investment scale and the largest number of actors in Chinese film history.


Through the smoke of history, the work aims at the battle of Changjin lake on the eastern front of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea for the first time, and shows an unprecedented grand spectacle of war on the screen for the first time.


For the first time, it vividly created these little-known heroes of the ninth Corps represented by the seventh company, which made this magnificent battle thrilling and moving.


In particular, the film embodies a more thorough and modern view of war and history, reaching a new height of Chinese war films.




This summer vacation, I read a book called Andersen's fairy tales.


This book has many interesting stories. I can't forget a story in this book, the ugly duckling. It is lonely and no animal will play with it.


In the cold winter, it almost froze to death in the forest. However, it finally through its own efforts. It became a beautiful swan. It is no longer an ugly duck.


This story tells us: in the face of injustice, only through their own efforts can they he hiness and hiness.


三篇用英文写的英语**影评(主要内容、角色、演员的介绍,对它的评价)初一水平100左右 不要太长 有中文


There is an ancient legend we are Chinese, Chinese people always enjoy it, this is down from generation to generation, "" the story of great determination and courage. We are more than once the Qierbushe moved by the spirit, this story has spread for thousands of years, but the spirit still inspired generations to make progress of all the children of the Yellow Emperor. "Great determination and courage", the wise old man in Hequ, Dayu still water runs deep; if wisdom. In front of derision sarcasm, Taihang Wangwu, as in his sigh disear in smoke. Since the creation of the world at the time, the Taihang Wangwu second will insist on their everlasting pride, sunshine tingling, dark wind howls, after thousands of years it seems to he become solemn, grey rocks. To recover one's original simplicity after cold and lonely, unceremoniously dark and Yuxu onto the hill of the foolish old man of the fathers, suppress the ambition and the warlike nature of their ancestors.

Calm for thousands of years, all people are discarded to the unfamiliar world of delusion, did not expect the quiet worship in front of the two high mountains.

Suddenly one day, the old man stood up, very nearly nine years late -- he backs mountains.

Mountains? It is far from his daily access than circuitous difficult to. Towering Taihang Wangwu, domineering just qiken yield under the awkward axe hammer? Life more than 80 spring and autumn are make fun of their defiance in, why the fuss, with inadequate capital to challenge this vast mountain? Contentment is a blessing.

However, the foolish old man think impassability, he is unwilling to put their own innate courage obediently handed over to the hands of the hy go lucky struggling, he has to prove that man can conquer nature.

A hammer knock, sweat and hard work, mountain vehemence but without wering, year round trip, just want to will his dream a little bit accumulation in the edge of the Bohai Sea. Day after day, then year after year, hill still face expressionless stands in front of the day, he is still so stubborn, naked rocks wred tightly with his fragile, perhaps, he has only sunshine percussion Chongrubujing strong.

The hot sun and irony, seems to be the emperor laughed at his get into, the wise old man's mocking words does not allow debate, rejected his arrogance. The or fight, he did not admit to being a unrealistic dream of a waste of life, because she never doued whether in these hard sweat drops into the cold the rocks of the moment of regret, will wash away the stubborn stone shell, crushing his cruelty, hurt his memory. He believed that, everything is worth it, this is a final victory. In the face of the hot sun dream, wise old man old man did not shake the mountains mocking words, he determined. "As long as there is a firm the belief perseverance, perseverance will prevail", I believe that as long as, not afraid of difficulties, tenacious work unremittingly, the mountains would no longer be a dream. At the same time, through the contrast of fable and Zhi sou two characters, reflects the Rendingshengtian optimistic belief.


我们中国有一个古老的传说,被华夏儿女乐此不疲地世代传诵,这就是《愚公移山》的故事.我们不止一次地被愚公契而不舍的精神所感动,这则寓言故事虽流传了几千年,但 愚公精神仍激励着一代又一代奋发向上的炎黄子孙.“愚公移山”,大智若愚;河曲智叟,大愚若智.在太行王屋面前,嗤笑讥讽,尽烟消云散于他的一声长叹之中.自开天辟地之时,太行王屋二山就坚持着他们亘古不变的傲气,阳光的刺痛,黑风的叫嚣,经千万年的沉淀成那俨然肃穆,返朴归真的灰色的山石.荡涤后的冷漠和孤寂,毫不客气地将黑暗和纡徐推给山那头的愚公的祖宗,压住了他们祖祖辈辈的野心和好战的本性.







学习愚公,要学习他“主动挖山”的精神.两座大山阻碍了交通,造成来往不便.为了排除障碍,愚公主动提出了挖山.学习愚公,要学习他“自力挖山”的精神.在统一了家人的思想后,马上付诸行动,自力更生,艰苦奋斗.学习愚公,要学习他“不断挖山”的精神.一个人搬掉一块石头并不难,难的是一辈子搬石头,子子孙孙永远搬石头.在挖山的过程中会遇到很多困难.可是无论遇到什么问题,愚公都没有动摇,而是矢志不渝,挖山不止.我们在学习这则寓言时,既要认识到愚公的可贵之处,更要领悟到 “ 众人拾柴火焰高” 的道理.我们在褒扬愚公精神的同时,不要忽视了集体的智慧和力量,应两者携手同进,共创美好未来.我想,这才是“愚公精神” 的精髓所在.

英语影评泰坦尼克号,且带中文翻译 ,300字左右

hello,everyone. (大家好)

. very glad to be here.(非常高兴能来到这里给大家发言)

my name is ###, and i am ** years old.(我的名字是###,今年××岁了)

now i am a ___school student.(我现在是一名……学生)

my fourite subject is English . and i like sports very much . (我最喜欢的科目是英语,而且我很喜欢运动)

English brings lots of fun . and sports makse me hy .(英语带给我很多乐趣,而且运动使我快乐)

i like this sentence:“ nothing is impossible。”(我最喜欢的一句话就是:一切皆有可能。)

so i always try my best to do everything well,and never give up easily.(所以我每一次总是尽力做好每一件事情,从来都不轻易说放弃)

so this is me ,i hope to make friends with you all.(这就是我,我希望和大家都能成为朋友。)

thank you for listening!(谢谢大家的聆听!)


泰坦尼克号英语影评为:Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity. This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content. If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable. Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.



看《哈利波特》系列,用英语写三十词左右的影评 初一水平就可以了~

After watching the first season again, I realized just how good the show was right off the bat.“Friends”hit the ground running, and that’s why each episode from Season 1 seems so familiar--they made strong impressions upon first viewing.

The characters are so well-written that they he distinct personalities despite the limitations of hing six main characters in a half-hour show.









It's a exciting movie.Yes,its name is Harry Potter!It's a big investment movie.Harry Potter is a good boy.He has a sense of Justice.He never yields to the forces of evil.He has a beautiful and precious heart.And his friends,his parents,and his good teachers all give him lots of love.

In short,and justice will triumph over evil.In short,this is a must-see movie!We love it!




Network violence and individual life predicament


-- " search ".


Winding / paper


Metropolitan career women, Ye Lanqiu in a company's routine check-up accidentally learns she has lymph cancer later period, this one come unexpectedly hit nearly didn't give her down, but in any case, she still hopes to better. After returning a company to the boss ( the Regal, the listing Corporation Mister ) Shen Shu by flow 1000000, that is to se a life. She was just a sad moment, flutter in the boss arms crying, Mrs. Shen pushed the door and saw the scene. No time is allowed for explanation. On the formation of misunderstanding. Since then, she was a series of events is pushed to the edge of a cliff, let her on his own, the world was thoroughly despair.

借得100万后,她本打算积极治疗(虽然查阅过网上资料,治疗和自己需要承受的痛苦都是 需要有极大的心理准备的),却因为一件极为意外的小概率而彻底改变了。在偶尔乘坐的公交车上,因为没有给旁边的老人让座,而被《今日》记者杨佳琪拍成,并被该电视台的资深电视人陈若兮做成一档电视节目,在网络上引起轩然大波。一时间,漫骂声如潮水而来,陈记者为了收视率,自以为义,继续深入走访报道(到叶篮秋初中的学校寻找到班主任,而昔日以她为荣的学校如今却以她为耻,等等),网络上更是人肉到叶的具体个人资料。

By 1000000, she intended to active treatment ( although access to on-line information, treatment and their need for pain are required to he great psychological preparation ), but because of a very unexpected events of small probability and completely changed. In occasional bus, because there is no give next to the old seat, and was " today " reporter Yang Jiaqi filmed video events, and was the television veteran TV personality Chen Ruoxi made a television show, the network caused a great disturbance. For a time, diatribes tide comes, Chen reporter for ratings, self-righteousness, continue to visit report ( to Ye Lanqiu junior high school to find the teacher, and the former is proud of her school is now taking her shame, etc.), the network is the human to the leaf specific personal information.


Originally a very simple thing, much attention in the media and on the Internet, complicated. Reporter Yang Jiaqi once found separately leaf basket of autumn, and took her to the public apology video, however in this show is the most popular time, TV's Chen Ruoxi decided not to broadcast the video, to the pursuit of television ratings. Ye Lanqiu was also on the receiving end of Yang Jiaqi after the interview, put forward to want to hire Yang Shoucheng ( an occupation wedding, Chen Ruoxi talks about the boyfriend of three years, was fired by the boss ) when a week's bodyguard, Yang Shoucheng became her a week 's bodyguard ( Yang on Chen said, on the outside for the new occupation a relief station, emotional interview period ).


Along with the network storm of abuse accusations and she is the fear of ill, she began to use alcohol and cigarettes to their own anesthesia. At the same time, Yang Shoucheng thought she was offended the big obstacle in the limelight that mistress, Zaojian themselves feel distressed, he began a romance was budding. In her bodyguard days, accompany her around to relax. When she proposed to go bungee jumping, he started although reluctant, but also in her importuning agreed to. Perhaps from her bungee jumping moment, subconsciously, he has already begun to fall in love with her. But he himself did not know, or are not willing to admit. From this he said to Yang Jiaqi, fell in love with a person, will go with her bungee jumping, he can be seen. But at Ye Lanqiu's request to domestic companies looking for young babysitter when, by domestic companies who recognized her sister is on the network sunglasses when, Yang Shoucheng's performance made her the world feel complete despair ( Yang in the face of so many siege lees, but for himself to the door in the car to wait, pay no attention to ). Including the right behind him with her at home at the entrance was shot photos were spread on the network, he to her roar, in order to explain with girlfriend and leing her alone in the country to watch the sunrise time, her kind of piercing pain, other people cannot understand. She felt was, she has gradually been abandoned by this world, which allowed her to his own life is disointed, is on the world disointed.


As a bodyguard, when he learned that she was so seriously ill, decides to stay with her watching the sunrise. In fact, perhaps at this moment, he seems to really understand who is in love with her. In her last moments, as she was in the video said, she is going to he her next every hour, every minute. In such a precious moment, Yang Shoucheng walks beside the belated love, though short, but also comfort her mind a few moments of quiet, let her get temporary hiness.


However, face the whole life, and this life, but she is already thorough despair. Public opinion does not give her the opportunity to apologize, seize her fault on. Shen Liushu's wife on the phone. She is mistress, also do not give her the opportunity to argue. This is not tolerant social environment, it is very unhealthy. The Internet and media, more and more network public, in the unknown truth conditions, on the individual injury, often people unexpected. On the social front, the individual is always vulnerable, how individuals is not worth mentioning.


Finally she ge up his life ending, although we do not want to see the film, but also the punchline. The love world is so helpless, without disease and social public opinion ", her last words with regret saying, Yang Shoucheng, I love you. And on the 1000000, she asked him to donate to the people who need help. From here, although she to this world full of disointment, they also lose their good wishes to continue. In this sense, the director wanted to tell people, in this world, or with the precious one percent, as the end times for Noah's Ark voters generally, never let God thoroughly disointed. It is the hope of all humanity.