





傻子”阿甘 一片羽毛,在风中飘曳,它划过汽车,落到某人肩头,最后停在阿甘的脚下,被他夹进书里。 “跑,福雷斯,快跑!”这句话可以说是解释了整个影片,阿甘确实在不停地跑,跑过孩子的追赶,跑过橄榄球,跑过死亡,跑过全美国。可以说跑是阿甘所能做的最拿手的事。上帝给了一个孩子75的智商同时也给了他一双好腿。跑给他带来的巨大的荣誉,战争英雄,明星球员。跑着前进是一种精神,面对命运,他从没担心过自己的智商只有75,他所做的,所关注的,只是做他能做到的最好的事。有阿甘这样的人生,就必定会有与之对应的角色辅衬,于是珍妮出现了。 珍妮无疑可以说是那个年代中失意,落魄的一代的代表。她有个虐待狂的父亲,虽然有理想,却止步现实。面对生活的残酷她不得不去酒吧当一名脱衣歌手,卖弄的是肉体而不是歌声。越南战争期间,嬉皮士运动兴起,珍妮无疑可以说是他们的一个代表。低头屈服,甘心堕落,同时自己也鄙视自己,就像她打算自杀时,从阳台上下来失声痛哭一样,这么做又能怎么样呢,她还是需要活着。珍妮与阿甘之间的爱情,也注定是悲剧的。虽然影片后半部分阿甘与珍妮度过了一段美好时光,这是悲痛的。珍妮与阿甘并排坐在湖边,阿甘说这是他一生中最美好的时光,就在这个时候,美丽的烟火出现了。烟火的美转瞬即逝,预示着珍妮与阿甘如同烟火一样的幸福。 嬉皮士运动过去之后,珍妮选择回到了阿甘的身边,他们一起漫步到珍妮以前与父亲居住的老房子面前,她忍不住的大声喊道:“你怎么能够这样!”其实更多的不是愤怒,而是对于命运的残酷,和现实的无奈的呐喊,她质问上帝为什么给她这样的一个人生,珍妮用石头发泄心中的愤怒,最后无力的倒在地上哭泣。最后只留下阿甘在她的墓前对她说:“我失去了一生中最好的朋友。” 导演试图通过珍妮说明到底该以怎样心态面对人生,是面对命运的残酷声嘶力竭,还是自甘堕落,又或者像阿甘一样,把上帝所赐予的做到最好? 影片中还有一个关键人物--丹中尉。在越南战争中,阿甘救出了丹中尉,可是他双腿中弹,成了一个没腿的怪物。他怨恨阿甘,因为他觉得自己应该带着荣誉死去,而不是苟延残喘。嗜酒,便成了他麻痹自己生活的方式。其实在丹中尉的心里,他想改变自己糟糕的状况,不想被人骂作废物。当他的朋友骂阿甘是傻瓜的时候,他发怒了,但从那句:“阿甘,新年快乐”中,我们也能能体会到他深深地无奈。就在这个时候,丹中尉与阿甘一起捕虾,最后他们的躲过风暴,发了大财。就在这时,丹中尉对阿甘说:“这么长时间以来我一直没有对你说一声谢谢。”可以看出,正是因为阿甘,使得丹中尉学会了面对自己,他从阿甘那里学来的使他能够微笑着面对上帝,从容地在大海中游泳。 其实,阿甘终归只是一个虚构的人物,影片只是想通过这个人物的经历,教导人们一种不一样的人生态度,就像阿甘那样,不管下一步要面对什么,他总能平淡地接受,并把自己做到最棒,不是怨天尤人,也不是自暴自弃,阿甘所做的,其实是最简单,做最好的自己,别停下你的脚步。 正像影片开始阿甘收藏的那片羽毛一样,最终又飞回了蓝天,继续属于它自己的旅程。



·当镜头距阿甘10英尺远时,在阿甘脚上和天空中能同时看到那片羽毛。 .Jenny在舞台上唱Blowing in the Wind(风中飘摇)的时,右手弹法和左手指法都不对。还有一个近景特写的镜头她的食指和无名指几乎按在吉他的品柱上。 ·校车上站在阿甘和珍妮身后的那个女孩在镜头间消失又出现。校车行驶的速度根据不同镜头也在变化。 ·阿甘被坏孩子欺负时被石头打中眼睛下方,然后前额却开始流血。 ·阿甘被坏孩子骑车追着跑的时候有一段拐弯看到一颗引导棒球弹跳,只出现了两秒钟,瞬间消失。 ·珍妮是1982年3月去世的,接下来的镜头中阿甘却出现在一张1982年9月15日的《今日美国》剪报上。根据墓碑上的日期珍妮去世那天是星期一,而不是阿甘说的周六。 ·在Sannah,给阿甘指路的女人指的是相反的方向。当阿甘坐在广场长凳前,公交车是顺时针驶过广场,这与当地的真实情况也正好相反。 ·当丹中尉从轮椅上摔下来后,他是用那条被数码技术处理掉的腿帮自己站起来的。 ·阿甘独自练习乒乓球时,篮球场上有一条三分线,而那时三分线还没有被使用。 ·当阿甘在倒影池边作完演说走向珍妮时,他从同一人身边经过了两次。 ·片中18年美国国庆日时,电视上的焰火显示自由女神像已经过修复,实际上它是1986年被修复的。 来自苹果公司的信件的日期是15年9月7日,而那时苹果公司还未成立。


·比尔·默里曾被考虑出演阿甘。 ·拍摄时Gary Sinise(丹中尉)的腿是用蓝布包着的,这样在后期制作时可以用电脑去除。 ·片中汤姆·汉克斯忘我地长跑时,他的弟弟吉姆经常在旁边伴跑。 ·汤姆·汉克斯演阿甘时模仿了饰演小阿甘的Michael Conner Humphreys的口音。 ·拍摄橄榄球赛的奔跑戏时,汤姆·汉克斯正患着流感。 ·拍摄结束后,阿甘坐的那个公园长椅被移进了乔治亚的Sannah历史博物馆,以免因天气受到损害。 ·丹中尉对出租车说


“Run, Forrest,Run!”


《阿甘正传》作为一部励志大片,起初给我的印象并不是多么催人奋进的:主角阿甘本身是一个不知理想抱负为何物的迟钝青年,他所信奉的也不过是别人的告诫。阿甘说过:我只是去跑,但不知道跑向何处。显然这是一句话没有主见的话。阿甘也习惯由别人给自己制定方向:从小到大开口闭口也都是“Momma said…(妈妈说…)”;脑中想的永远都是Jenny说的“Run, Forrest!(快跑,阿甘!)”;继承的也是死去好友Bubba的捕虾事业;哪怕横跨美国的长跑也是先前完全没有过的。“没有志向”是我们这个时代最不可能被原谅的“恶习”了,打小时候起就被教导“要做树立远大的理想的‘四有’青年”,没主见的孩子一定会被看作“没出息”,好似理想越远大,大到想做国家,这个孩子才真的有出息。而二十一世纪的青少年们都崇尚叛逆、朝气蓬勃、敢打敢闹,长辈或是朋友的告诫又怎么会放在心上,听话的孩子肯定是个“傻冒”。但阿甘将母亲和朋友的话句句牢记,事事遵循,这样一个“听话”的孩子得到“大人们”的评价是什么呢?阿甘第一次真正意义上受到表扬是在军营里,黑人长官给予的评价是:“Godamnit, Gump! You're a godamned genius! That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard. You must he a godamned I.Q. of a hundred and sixty! You are godamned gifted, Private Gump! (天杀的,阿甘!你真是个天杀的天才!这是我这辈子听到最了不起的回答。你一定有个天杀的160的智商,你天杀的真有天赋,大兵阿甘!)”是什么让长官如此激动地接连说出四个“天杀的”,阿甘的回答真的如他所说,是最最“outstanding”的吗,阿甘的回答仅仅是“To do whatever you tell me(做您吩咐我的一切)”,阿甘选择的就是服从,完全的服从,但仅仅是盲从吗?那为什么阿甘会在丛林遭受伏击的时候,唯一一次违抗丹中校的命令,再次折回丛林拯救最好的朋友Bubba,那绝不是盲目所为,原来阿甘的“服从”仅仅源自于信赖和情感,将自己完完整整地交给自己信赖的人,因为信赖的人一定会为你指明道路,这样做不就是等于相信你自己吗?这样的做人岂不是很简单很快乐吗?

仅仅是懂得“服从”,阿甘会有这样的成功吗?当然不会。母亲对阿甘说:“Stupid is as stupid does(傻人做傻事)”。阿甘就立刻把自己定位成傻子,勤勤恳恳地做着“聪明人”不愿意做“傻”事;爱人珍妮对阿甘说:“Run, Forrest,Run!”,所以阿甘从此以后就想也不想全力以赴地去跑,连走都不会去用。就是这样跑过了备受欺压的童年,跑过了危险的越南战场,跑过了整个美国大陆,一路“跑”成了“橄榄球星”、“战争英雄”、“外交大使”、“捕虾船长”、“百万富翁”……很不可思议吧,其实一点也不奇怪,因为阿甘一早就已经掌握了成功的秘籍:“If I was going somewhere, I was running(如果我想去哪里,我都是跑着去的)”,阿甘始终跑着去实现这些“奇迹”,永不停歇。先由自己信赖的人为自己制定好方向,阿甘只要用尽全力朝着这个方向跑,纵然起步比别人低了不少,但会过程已经简单了不少,照样会比别人先到达。现在你相信“阿甘奇迹”了吗?

影片表达的绝对主题是“跑”,但却又不乏沉重的话题:对弱势群体的歧视、种族歧视问题、越战和反战、毒品和艾滋病,但这些沉重的事情在阿甘的身边发生,在阿甘看来却完全不值得一提,因为他都会用“跑”来应对,他通常选择的是“跑开”而不是“回击”:欢度新年时,丹中校找来两个姑娘“共度良宵”,但阿甘却把她们赶走,丹问他为什么他不喜欢那个姑娘,阿甘回答:“She tastes like cigarettes.(她尝起来像香烟)”只是因为不喜欢,也觉得不好,所以就选择回避。比起那个穿着星条旗满口带“操”字的反战演讲者,阿甘显得更睿智,也更直接。如果每个人都懂得对不好的东西选择“跑开”,那世界上还会有这么多丑恶和肮脏吗?

“Run, Forrest,Run!”这句告诫是告诫阿甘事事不要逞强,学会保护自己,而阿甘却不单单把它理解为“逃避”,他加上了自己的理解:在越南丛林的驰骋,回家路上的飞奔,在暴风雨中扬帆前行,横跨美国的长途之旅…这句话居然能改变了阿甘的一生。希望都能理解到“跑”的含义,懂得什么时候该去奋力追逐,什么时候又应该去选择逃避…“Run, Forrest,Run!”是Jenny送给阿甘的礼物,但阿甘却把它变成自己的东西。至少迟钝的阿甘很懂得选择,我们这些“正常人”也能选择好吗?

“You're my girl.”

在剧院的那场戏中,当阿甘为Jenny解围后,Jenny问阿甘“Why are you so good to me?(为什么你对我这么好?)”,阿甘给出的回答就是“You're my girl.(你是我的女孩)”,如此简单的回答却如此地让人感动。我本不想去谈爱情,但这部**中的爱情太直接太纯粹太感人,不得不落俗套地谈一谈,不然实在太可惜了。

Jenny和阿甘青梅竹马的好朋友,他俩却是如此的迥然不同。阿甘不抽烟不喝酒,只是喜欢喝上“一点点”汽水,他谦虚忍让、诚恳善良,只会默默付出,不曾要求过回报,他勇敢地冒死拯救战友,他乐善好施、知恩图报;而Jenny喝酒吸烟,甚至性乱,她狂乱不羁、放纵堕落,她成天幻想成为明星,追逐自己所谓的梦想;她一次次的冷酷回绝阿甘,一次次伤透阿甘的心。阿甘生活在那个令人向往的纯真世界中,而珍妮却生活在充满诱惑的沉迷世界里。他们是如此的对立,是生活在两个完完全全不同世界的两个人。很难想象阿甘愿意坚守这样的一个女人。到底是什么原因呢?“You are my girl.”仅仅是因为这句话。小Jenny是第一个接受阿甘的人,幼时始终陪伴着阿甘身旁,爱护着幼小的阿甘,阿甘也真的视Jenny为最重要的人,愿意守护在她的身边,等待她的回心转意,“I'll always be your girl.(我永远是你女孩。)”这是Jenny给出的回答,阿甘为此义无反顾。但爱情不能勉强,阿甘却如此的聪明,一早他就明白了这个道理,所以他选择的是等待厮守,任凭时光更迭,日月流淌,都不曾改变,只可惜他最后等到的已不再是那个“小Jenny”了…

或许小Jenny的祈祷一开始就注定了这个悲剧女主角的流魄命运:“Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here.(亲爱的主啊,让我变成鸟儿从这里飞走,飞到很远很远的地方。)”,但阿甘还是呆在原处爱着她;Jenny说:“A lot of people try to grab me. Just -- you can't keep doing this all(许多男人都想占我便宜,但…你不可能永远保护我)”,阿甘回答说:“I can't keep it. I love you.(我是不能,但我爱你。)”阿甘实话实说,因为他真的做不到,他无法强迫改变Jenny,他的心里一定暗自懊恼,他多想一辈子保护Jenny。 “I would never hurt you, Jenny.(我绝不会伤害你,珍妮。)”同样的话在那个所谓的反战领袖Wesley嘴里也曾说过,但那是多么的不切实际,阿甘却说到做到。“I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away. (珍妮,我想你。如果你需要我,我会在不远处。)”在Jenny那白色的墓前,阿甘纵情哭泣,他多想永远陪在Jenny的身边,和她一起登上“珍妮”号捕虾船,一起回到幼时长大的绿荫小镇,一起送“小阿甘”上学…但一切的一切都已经不可能了。


“I sure hope I don't let him down”

阿甘有过没有实现的承诺吗?从来没有,“I sure hope I don't let him down(我保证不会让他倒下)”这是阿甘到达越南战场后暗自在心中做下的承诺,这不仅是他对丹中校的承诺,对战友们的承诺,也是对自己的承诺。但Bubba还是倒下了,丹中校也失去了他的双腿而“down”。 丹中校本想光荣的在战场上结束自己的生命,就想他的那些英雄前辈一样,但阿甘还是救了他的命。Bubba的死伤透了阿甘的心,但丹中校失去了双腿阿甘却认为不是末日,不是阿甘绝情,正如阿甘说的:“Yo-You're still Lieutenant Dan.(你…你还是那个丹中校。)”失去双腿的丹中校还是丹中校自己,还是和其他普通人一样。“You are no different than anybody else is.(你和别人没有什么不同)”,阿甘用妈妈的话鼓励着丹中校,帮助他重拾信心,使他慢慢的改变。




“Forrest : Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny.

Jenny : You would, Forrest.

Forrest : But you won't marry me.

Jenny : You don't want to marry me.

Forrest : Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.”


爱人死去,一段非常感人肺腑的感慨和诉说,使人潸然泪下。影片也就此渐渐画上句号。还是再看看碑文上的语句:“Jenny's gre marker reads: JENNY GUMP July 16, 1945 -- March 22, 1982 Beloved Mother, Wife and Friend (珍妮.甘,1945年7月16日到1982年3月22号,深爱的母亲、爱人和朋友)”,37岁就已逝去的爱人,原来阿甘也是如此年轻,他还有明天,还有“小阿甘”。但他所经历了一些人需要几辈子才能经历到的事情,不能不赞叹他的生命是一个奇迹!!!


I he seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graduate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump endures. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's trels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.






在华盛顿的那一场,珍妮问阿甘为什么他对她这么好,土鳖一点的男人会拉着珍妮的手,含情脉脉的说因为我爱你。阿甘不是,他又摆出那个招牌一样的白痴表情,对这珍妮说: you are my girl(因为你是我的女孩)。

为什么不是I love you ?为什么不是我爱你?因为我爱你已经无需多言,如果我爱你,而你不爱我,那么对于我来说这就不能承受,我可能会找另外一个女人去爱,但是因为你是我的女孩,所以我可以承受你的背叛,你的逃离,我也可以忍受孤独,忍受没有你的日子,重要的不仅仅是我爱你,而是因为从我看见你的那一刻起我就知道,你是我的女孩,你是我的姑娘。









这样来说,阿甘并不是一个傻子,至少不是一个普通的傻子。 影评是人家的我复制给你的,你随便的看看吧…………这部**,第一次在地摊上买的杂志,里面有介绍,从这起知道有这么个**,后来中学老师组织在学校看过了一次……



阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。

Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS.

He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the

meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many

people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing,

Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his

legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan sed him

and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life,

complaining that A Gan shouldn't se him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing

with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is

intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always

after cloud. The key point is that whether we he a good mind and an opportunity to

ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do

well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if

only there is perseverance.

Ice Age 冰河世纪 英语影评

It’s not particularly surprising to be disointed by any computer-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo. In fact, until Shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, I wouldn’t he even believed it could hen. What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn’t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar’s Toy Story heights, arently content to revel in its status as Monster’s, Inc.'s second rate, half wit cousin.

Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cemen. This time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man. Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot. But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home.

Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I he ever seen. Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc.; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters. No hint of photo-realism here. It’s like comparing a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King. Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for.

Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and Leguizamo one liners. Some of them are even quite funny. If that is all that we’re going for here, then I suppose I’m all for it. But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching siness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation. Frankly, I’m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters. The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures. It’s laughable watching their polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches.

Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels. As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining. Sure, Ray Romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular. But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation.

The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation. The film’s only real sing graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct melon-hoarding dodos. Ice Age’s comedy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else.


This should've gone straight to video. Evan Almighty was not able to manage the expectations of those who came to see it anticipating as riotous a ride as its predecessor Bruce Almighty. It retained the premise of the original as a spin-off but it doesn't work not because Steve Carell is less talented than Jim Carrey but because he had lousy material to work with. Even Morgan Freeman (who reprises his role as God) lost the zing and impressive qualities he had in the first installment.

Evan Almighty arently targets a family audience with its decidedly more religious overtones (check out what ARK really means), so it shouldn't he attempted to fool the audience by maintaining the Almighty franchise because it doesn't fit; its brand of humor and story simply failed to keep up.

It would've probably done better if it were marketed differently instead of lazily riding on the success of Bruce Almighty when it painfully couldn't deliver the same punches.



<Forrest Gump> Film review

Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> He got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. He abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , he added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undouedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , bre paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behe with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, hing even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and he no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film lication of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance hing among film. He has oained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he oained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .


Roger Ebert

July 6, 1994

I've never met anyone like Forrest Gump (阿甘) in a movie before, and for that matter I've never seen a movie quite like "Forrest Gump." Any attempt to describe him will risk making (冒险做某事) the movie seem more conventional (平常) than it is, but let me try. It's a comedy, I guess. Or maybe a drama. Or a dream.

The screenplay by?Eric Roth?has the complexity (复杂) of modern fiction, not the formulas of modern movies. Its hero, played by?Tom Hanks, is a thoroughly (彻底的) decent man with an IQ of 75, who manages between the 1950s and the 1980s to become involved in every major event(重要的)in American history. And he survives them all with only honesty and niceness as his shields.

And yet this is not a heartwarming story about a mentally retarded man.(这并不是一个关于智障人士的暖心故事。)That cubbyhole (本意指小房间,暗指前一句的评价) is much too small and limiting for Forrest Gump. The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are. Watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized (因为什么而被批评) for being "**too clever by half (一半) **." Forrest is clever by just exactly enough. (阿甘的聪明刚刚好)

Tom Hanks may be the only actor/who could he played the role.

I can't think of anyone else as Gump, after seeing how Hanks makes him into a person so dignified (有尊严的) , so straight-ahead (简单的,直截了当的) . The performance is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story/rich in big laughs and quiet truths.(他的表演成功的平衡了喜剧和悲剧,这个故事充满了欢笑和沉默的真理)

Forrest is born to an Alabama boardinghouse owner/(Sally Field) who tries to correct his posture/by making him wear braces, but who never criticizes his mind. When Forrest is called "stupid," his mother tells him, "Stupid is as stupid does," and Forrest turns out (结果是,证明是) to be incapable of doing anything less than profound (具有深远意义的) . Also, when the braces finally fall from his legs, it turns out he can run like the wind.

That's how he gets a college football scholarship, in a life story that eventually becomes a running gag about his good luck. Gump the football hero becomes Gump the Medal of Honor winner in Vietnam, and then Gump the Ping-Pong champion, Gump the shrimp boat captain, Gump the millionaire stockholder (he gets shares in a new "fruit company" named Apple Computer), and Gump the man who runs across America and then retraces (原路返回) his steps.

It could be argued / that with his IQ of 75 Forrest does not quite understand everything that hens to him. Not so. He understands everything he needs to know, and the rest, the movie suggests (文中指,表达出) , is just surplus (多余的) . He even understands everything that's important about love, although (引导让步状语从句) Jenny (主语) , the girl he falls in love with in grade school and never falls out of love with, tells him, "Forrest, you don't know what love is." She is a stripper by that time.

The movie is ingenious (巧妙的,足智多谋的) in taking Forrest on his tour of recent American history. The director,?Robert Zemeckis, is experienced with (对什么很有经验) the magic that special effects can do (his credits (功绩) include the "Back To The Future" movies and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"), and here he uses computerized visual legerdemain to place Gump in historic situations with actual people.

Forrest stands next to the schoolhouse door withGeorge Wallace, he teaches Elvis how to swivel his hips (扭屁股), he visits the White House three times, he's on theDick Cettshow withJohn Lennon, and in a sequence (结果) that will he you rug your eyes with its realism(你将会揉你的眼睛去考虑事情的真), he addresses (对谁讲话) a Vietnam-era peace rally (大型集会) on the Mall in Washington . Special effects are also used in creating the character of Forrest's Vietnam friend Lt . Dan (Gary Sinise), aRon Kovictype/who quite convincingly (令人信服,有说服力的) loses his legs.

Using carefully selected TV clips (声音或影像的片段) and dubbed voices, Zemeckis is able to create some hilarious moments, as when LBJ examines the wound in what Forrest describes as "my butt-ox." And the biggest laugh in the movie comes after Nixon inquires where Forrest is staying in Washington, and then recommends the Watergate. (That's not the laugh, just the setup.) As Forrest's life becomes a guided tour of straight-arrow (传统的,正直的,循规蹈矩的) America, Jenny (played by?Robin Wright) goes on a parallel tour(平行的道路)of the counterculture (反主流文化) . She goes to California, of course, and drops out, tunes in, and turns on. She's into psychedelics and flower power (对迷幻等感兴趣) , antiwar rallies(参加反战集会)and love-ins, drugs and needles. Eventually it becomes clear that between them Forrest and Jenny he covered all of the landmarks of our recent cultural history, and the accommodation (住所) they arrive at in the end / is like a dream of reconciliation (和解) for our society. What a magical movie. 本段主要讲了,虽然阿甘和珍妮走过了美国文化的地标件,走了两条不一样的道路,但最后以他们两在一起为结局。


James Berardinelli

September 05, 2014

Since its theatrical (戏剧的,剧场的) release in the summer of 1994, Forrest Gump has become one of those movies seemingly everyone is familiar with . It's a cultural touchstone (试金石) with lines like "Life is a box of chocolates(生活就像一盒巧克力)" earing everywhere from tee-shirts to greeting cards. The film's popularity was italicized (强调的) by the way it rampaged (横冲直撞的) through the 1995 Oscars, winning six awards (including the "big three" of Best Picture, Director, and Actor).(1995年横扫奥斯卡,包揽了6项大奖)Now, for its 20th anniversary, the decision has been made to do something Hollywood almost never does during the home video era (家庭时代) : a big screen re-release(大屏幕出现了).

How to get people into theaters to watch (or re-watch) Forrest run when it's a lot easier to do it at home? Enter the IMAX gimmick (小把戏) . Calling it anything less crass would be dishonest/ since (引导原因状语从句) there's no inherent reason/why Forrest Gump should be bulked up for IMAX没有内在的原因说为什么阿甘应该被搬上大荧幕(or pseudo -IMAX, depending on how one views the smaller AMC version of the product). Still, commercial considerations aside, there's something majestic about watching this tall tale unfold on a larger screen than one can find in the erage family room. The IMAX format is a nice way to entice (怂恿) some viewers to see the movie in a theater while maintaining the original composition .(构成,组成)//20周年了,IMAX出来了,《阿甘正传》作为一部经典,值得去支持。

The original review holds up today because, unlike some decades-old (几十年老的了) motion pictures, this one doesn't seem dated (过时的) . It wears its age well (永葆青春的感觉) . Here's what I wrote in 1994/when the movie was first released:

Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish (补充,重新装满) your energy and refresh your outlook (满血复活并能拥有全新的世界观) . Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary (疲倦的) of spirit (是疲惫灵魂的一剂补药) . For those who限定性定语从句(feel/that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.)

Back when Tom Hanks' movie career was relatively new, the actor made a film called Big, which told the story of a young boy forced to grow up fast as a result of an ill-advised (不明智的) wish made at a carnival. In some ways, Forrest Gump represents a return to the themes of that earlier movie. In this case, the main character remains a child in heart and spirit, even as his body grows to maturity (成熟的) . Hanks is called upon yet again to play the innocent .

Forrest Gump (Hanks), named after a civil war (内战) hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother (Sally Field) runs a boarding house (经营家庭旅馆) . Although Forrest is a little "slow" (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal"), his mental impairment (残缺,不完整) doesn't seem to bother him, his mother, or his best (and only) friend, Jenny Curran (played as an adult by Robin Wright). In fact, the naiveté that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective(观点,看法)on life. Across the span of the next thirty years, Forrest becomes a star football player, a war hero, a successful businessman, and a pop icon (一个流行标志) . Through it all, however, there is one defining element (因素即珍妮) in his life: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he's doing or where he is.

A trio of assets lifts Forrest Gump above the erage "life story" (melo)drama : its optimism , freshness, and emotional honesty. Though the movie does not seek to reduce every member of the audience to tears, it has moments whose power comes from their simplicity. Equally as important is laughter, and Forrest Gump has moments of humor strewn (洒满,充满) throughout.

During the 60s and 70s, no topic more inflamed (激怒) the turbulent national consciousness (震荡的全国性的思潮) than that of Vietnam(越南)and those who were sent overseas to fight.(在60到70年代,没有什么事比越战更能引起人们震荡的全国性的思潮)Forrest, as might be expected, has a singular viewpoint/on his time spent there: "We took long walks and were always looking for this guy named Charlie." This observation emphasizes the essence of the title character's nature.

Through the miracle of visual effects , Forrest meets his fair share of famous people - George Wallace, Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, and John Lennon. While mixing the real footage (影像,录像的意思) of these notables (显眼的) with new images featuring (由谁主演) Hanks is not a seamless (流畅的) process, the result is nevertheless effective. (This is a precursor of what would become commonplace in future films as the effects work employed here became refined .)

Forrest Gump has several messages, few of which require much digging into the suext to unearth . The most frequently recurring theme is an admonition not to give up on life. Why surrender (投降) when you don't know what lies ahead ? By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around him, and by showing / how the passage of time brings solace (慰藉) to even the most embittered (满心怨恨的) earts, the movie underlines this point. 对比别人和阿甘的生活,说明时间是如何慰藉一个愤世嫉俗的人的。

Tom Hanks won 1994's Academy Award for Philadelphia, but his performance here is more nuanced (细致入微的) . [With Forrest Gump, he would become only the second man to win back-to-back Lead Actor Oscars, joining Spencer Tracy 就是与奥黛丽赫本一声错过的那个男银,看了这个我才知道 .] The Alabama accent may seem a little awkward (尴尬) at first, but it doesn't take long for the acting(但不会花很长时间就发现他的表演不会)to dwarf ( v.使什么相形见绌 ) the twang . Hanks fashions a human character free of guile and deceit , and barely able to comprehend (理解)a concept like evil. Robin Wright gives the best performance of her career, surpassing (超过) what she accomplished in The Playboys. Looking and seeming like a younger Jessica Lange (一个早期的美国女演员,也拿过两次奥斯卡) , she is believable as the object of Forrest's undying affection. The scene-stealer, however, is Gary Sinise. A renowned (出名的) stage director and actor(舞台剧的演员), Sinise is probably best known to film-goers (to the extent that he is known at all) for his portrayal of George in 1992's Of Mice and Men (which he also directed). In this movie, his portrayal of Lieutenant Dan Taylor is riveting (引人入胜) . The passion and pain he brings to the middle portions of Forrest Gump hold together some of the film's weaker moments.

The soundtrack boasts a variety of sounds of the era - perhaps too wide a variety. Often, music can be useful in establishing a mood, but Forrest Gump rockets into the realm (范围) of overkill (过分) . There are sequences/when the choice of song is inspired (the use of "Running on Empty" for Forrest's "long run" comes to mind), but the soundtrack could he used a little pruning(修剪). There are times when it seems as much designed to sell CDs as to cement (水泥,引申为加固,加强) the setting.

Ultimately , however, any such gripes about Forrest Gump are minor(很小的). This is a marvelous motion picture -- a mint julep on a hot summer's afternoon.


·Complexity: 复杂性 complicated: 复杂的,纠缠不清的



·Be criticized for: 因为…被批评

·Too clever by half: 自作聪明



·Turn out:发生(结果为);被发现是









·Parallel: 平行线,平行的,类似的








·Ill-advised: 不明智的,欠考虑的

·Strewn: 撒满的,散播的,strew的过去分词(常用被动态)





















1) Its hero, played by Tom Hanks, is a thoroughly decent man with an IQ of 75, who manages between the 1950s and the 1980s to become involved in every major event in American history.


2) The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are.


3) Forrest turns out to be incapable of doing anything less than profound. Also, when the braces finally fall from his legs, it turns out he can run like the wind.


4) It could be argued that with his IQ of 75 Forrest does not quite understand everything that hens to him.


5) He even understands everything that's important about love, although Jenny, the girl he falls in love with in grade school and never falls out of love with, tells him, "Forrest, you don't know what love is."

他甚至明白所有那些关于爱至关重要的事儿,尽管那个他从小学就开始爱,一直爱到最后的妹子Jenny跟他说“Forrest, 你根本不懂什么是爱。”

6) As Forrest's life becomes a guided tour of straight-arrow America, Jenny (played by Robin Wright) goes on a parallel tour of the counterculture. She goes to California, of course, and drops out, tunes in, and turns on.

正如Forrest的一生变成了美国传统正直的旅行,Jenny(由Robin Wright饰演)走的是一条平行空间的道路,是一次反主流文化之旅。她去了加利福尼亚,当然,她逃避现实社会,去融入那个团体,而且内心的被点燃了。

7) The film's popularity was italicized by the way it rampaged through the 1995 Oscars, winning six awards (including the "big three" of Best Picture, Director, and Actor).


8) Still, commercial considerations aside, there's something majestic about watching this tall tale unfold on a larger screen than one can find in the erage family room.


9) For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.


10) Back when Tom Hanks' movie career was relatively new, the actor made a film called Big, which told the story of a young boy forced to grow up fast as a result of an ill-advised wish made at a carnival.


11) In fact, the naiveté that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective on life.


12) Though the movie does not seek to reduce every member of the audience to tears, it has moments whose power comes from their simplicity. Equally as important is laughter, and Forrest Gump has moments of humor strewn throughout.


13) During the 60s and 70s, no topic more inflamed the turbulent national consciousness than that of Vietnam and those who were sent overseas to fight.


14) By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around him, and by showing how the passage of time brings solace to even the most embittered hearts, the movie underlines this point.

**通过对比阿甘和他身边的人的生活,以及通过展示时间是如何给那些充满怨恨的心灵带来慰藉的方式,向我们再次强调了这一点—— not to give up on life.

15) The passion and pain he brings to the middle portions of Forrest Gump hold together some of the film's weaker moments.

Lt. Dan这个角色所带给阿甘这部**中部的和痛苦,很好的整合改善了这一阶段**中的薄弱情节。

16) There are times when it seems as much designed to sell CDs as to cement the setting.
