1.GRACE of MONACO的影评,英文版

2.罗马假日英文影评 在线等

3.急寻一篇 罗马假日 的英文影评... 十万火急.



roman holiday影评_romanholiday影评

Roman Holiday (1953) is a delightful, captivating fairy-tale romance shot entirely on location in Rome, and produced and directed by one of Hollywood's most skillful, distinguished, professional and eminent directors - William Wyler.

The film's bittersweet story is a charming romantic-comedy, a kind of Cinderella tale in reverse (with an April-October romance). A runaway princess (Hepburn) rebels against her royal obligations and escapes the insulated confines of her royal prison to find a 'Prince Charming' commoner - an American reporter (Peck) covering the royal tour in Rome. The story was reportedly based on the real-life Italian adventures of British Princess Margaret.

Wyler was known for other great films including Dodsworth (1936), Jezebel (1938), Wuthering Heights (1939), The Letter (1940), Mrs. Miniver (1942), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), The Heiress (1949), Friendly Persuasion (1956), Ben-Hur (1959) and Funny Girl (1968). Wyler's well-crafted, stylish films that cover a wide range of film genres (family dramas, westerns, epics, romantic comedies, and even one musical) always included down-to-earth characters in real-life situations.

The film received a phenomenal ten Academy Award nominations for a comedy. It won a Best Actress Oscar for its under-experienced British (Belgium-born) actress named Audrey Hepburn - it was her first American film, although she had previously appeared in six European movies and on Broadway in an adaptation of Colette's Gigi. Another of the film's three Oscar awards, the one for Best Original Story was given to Ian McLellan Hunter. In 1992, a posthumous Oscar was properly credited and given to blacklisted Hollywood Ten author Dalton Trumbo, who actually wrote the screenplay. The third Oscar it received was for Best B/W Costume Design (Edith Head). The other seven nominations included: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Eddie Albert), Best Director, Best Screenplay (Ian McClellan Hunter and John Dighton), Best B/W Cinematography, Best B/W Art Direction/Set Decoration, and Best Film Editing.

GRACE of MONACO的影评,英文版

十佳剧情片 1) 肖申克的救赎(刺激1995):男人必看的励志影片。 2) 教父(1、2):经典黑帮片,有此作品,其他同类一概低头。 3) 美国往事:整个人生都在里面。 4) 天堂**院:每个男人的童年回忆,太经典了。 5) 无主之城:人家怎么能拍出这么牛的**! 6) 活着:也许是中国目前最伟大的**。 7) 阿甘正传:教导所有的人要去宽容别人,傻就是福气。 8) 勇敢的心:民族自尊的好教材,希望大家要爱中国。 9) 楚门的世界:探讨人的价值和人性根本的奇思怪作。 10) 音乐之声:音乐的力量、音乐的快乐! 11)辛德勒的名单:震撼人心的历史、充满感染力的摄影和杰出的演员。 十佳科幻片 1) 星球大战系列:开创了一个**神话。 2) 异次元骇客(第十三层):应该说它比黑客帝国的构思更精妙。 3) 超人:所有漫画类科幻**的代表。 4) 终结者(1、2):科幻**经典中的经典。 5) 12猴子:如此引人深思的科幻**真不多见。 6) 黑客帝国系列:引发了对现实和未来网络发展的思考,形成了一种黑客文化。 7) 移魂都市(黑暗城市):风格另类的科幻片,结尾出人意表。 8) 超时空接触:比较严肃地探讨外星文明问题的力作。 9) 千钧一发:描写未来社会人的基因问题的惊险影片,内容和主题俱佳。 10) 2001漫游太空:经典作品,以严肃的科学性和预见性著称。 十佳战争片 1) 拯救大兵瑞恩:最真实反映战争和人性的超级巨作。 2) 猎杀红色十月:节奏和人物拿捏准确的潜艇影片代表作。 3) 兵临城下:从独特的视角描写二战的巨片,演员表演到位。 4) 大逃杀:归入战争片只因其太震撼、太残酷。 5) 巴顿将军:全景式展示战争的代表作,演员表演出色。 6) u-571:效果出众的新型海战片,拍得很有特点。 7) 全金属外壳:库布里克对战争的深刻反思,看过后使人对战争产生恐惧。 8) 星际舰队:科幻性质的战争片,士兵的训练和战斗的描写很有煽动性和争议性。 9) 瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝:随时看起来都心潮澎湃的好**! 10) 野战排:反思越战的经典影片。 十佳动作片 1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。 2) 真实的谎言:阿诺演的最温情和幽默的**。 3) 生死时速(1):充满动感,耳目一新! 4) 虎胆龙威系列:呵呵他怎么总是一身伤却不死啊!!! 5) 勇闯夺命岛(石破天惊):动作片颠峰作品!演员表演出色。 6) 刀锋战士(1、2):新式吸血鬼动作片,非常另类和华丽。 7) 神秘的黄玫瑰系列:呵呵因为看的时候年纪小,觉得比西部片还经典。 8) 复仇:也是罗马尼亚的老**,这部影片的枪战让人百看不厌。 9) 三步曲系列:干净利落的墨西哥风格枪战**。 10) 第一滴血(1):有内涵有力度有故事,是史泰龙为数不多的好片。 十佳恐怖片 1) 夺命狂呼系列:校园恐怖片的代表作,对年轻人的胃口。 2) 杀出个黎明:另类夸张的恐怖片,不吓人,反而很搞笑和另类。 3) 活死人的黎明:活死人系列代表作,以恶心的僵尸著称。 4) 驱魔人:画面阴郁,声效凄厉,晚上看真的噤若寒蝉! 5) 见鬼:港式恐怖片代表,有恐怖,也有情感。 6) 解剖(1、2):欧洲恐怖片的代表,内容奇怪前卫。 7) 坏品味:指环王导演的早期作品,恐怖而搞笑。 8) 异形系列:科幻类恐怖片经典,1、2、4都很精彩。 9) 咒怨:日式恐怖的代表,极其邪恶! 10) 活跳尸:罕见的血腥的黑色幽默! 十佳喜剧片 1) 两杆大烟枪:在英式幽默和一团乱麻中寻找答案的乐趣。 2) 我为玛丽狂:美国厕所文化的代表,低俗但好玩。 3) 反斗神鹰系列:美式无厘头动作喜剧。 4) 大话西游(1、2):经典。 5) 花田喜事:港式老喜剧片的代表,明星云集。 6) 惊声尖笑系列:以模仿糟改其他影片取乐的新型喜剧片。 7) 虎口脱险:欧式喜剧片经典作,百看不厌。 8) 金鸡:近年少见的优秀香港**,有很深的内涵。 9) 面具:金凯瑞的成名作。 10) 喜剧之王:周星弛最有内涵的**。 十佳武侠片 1) 卧虎藏龙:“美”式武侠片的开山之作! 2) 新龙门客栈:现在的武侠片制作模式都是照它来的。 3) 黄飞鸿系列:捧红了李连杰啊!!! 4) 醉拳:成龙代表作,功夫片黄金时代的作品。 5) 少林寺三十六房:刘家辉的成名作,现在来看也趣味无穷。 6) 少林寺:不用说了,真功夫的代表。 7) 佐罗:法国剑侠片的代表,迷到很多mm。 8) 笑傲江湖:对林青霞扮演的东方不败印象最深。 9) 座头市:创新的日本剑侠片,很有特点。 10) 杀死比尔:呵呵,新派东西方结合的功夫片来啦!!!! 十佳惊悚片 1) 死神来临(1、2):构思巧妙,场景惊人。 2) 黑暗降临:描写鬼怪传说的惊悚片,有些新意思。 1 3) 沉默的羔羊:获得奥斯卡奖的惊悚片! 4) 7宗罪:风格阴暗,让人时不时想逃!表演精致! 5) 闪灵:可以尽情欣赏杰克尼科尔森的超凡演技。 6) 第六感:此类影片代表作!!结尾精彩之极! 7) 断头谷:蒂姆伯顿的惊悚恐怖大作,人头乱滚! 8) 心慌方(1、2):加拿大导演的匪夷所思之作!!! 9) 本能:不用说了,很! 10) 医院风云:拉斯冯提尔导演的丹麦影片,吓的很多人不敢独自回家。 十佳爱情片 1) 泰坦尼克:商业大作! 2) 漂亮女人:现代版麻雀变凤凰! 3) 罗马假日:奥黛丽赫本的经典。 4) 金玉盟:淡淡的幽怨、一生的承诺! 5) 卡萨布兰卡(北非谍影):经典老片。 6) 毕业生:我们还能找到青春时代的纯洁爱情吗? 7) 生命中不能承受之轻:以时代为背景的爱情名片,节奏缓慢。 8) 保镖:轻松健康的爱情**。 9) 克莱默夫妇:对婚姻、儿女进行深入思考的。 10) 阳光灿烂的日子:属于我们这些人的青春! 十佳魔幻片 1) 狼族盟约:法式魔幻片,明星众多的大制作。 2) 印第安纳琼斯(夺宝奇兵)三部曲:斯皮尔伯格和卢卡斯的强大组合! 3) 倩女幽魂:中国鬼**的里程碑!决不输于外国片! 4) 魔戒三部曲:伟大的经典的真正的**!!! 5) 哈利波特系列:新魔幻**的奇特分支。 6) 魔幻屠龙(龙的心):感情真挚。 7) 木乃伊:幽默和特技结合的娱乐片。 8) 剪刀手爱德华:蒂姆伯顿最有想象力的作品。 9) 小飞侠:崭新的适合儿童的幻想片。 10) 大鱼:多看两遍吧,活着要善待自己啊! 十佳动画片 1) 怪物公司:罕见的数码特技!动人有趣的创意! 2) 冰冻星球:虽然卖座不是很好,但它的场景可是真的漂亮! 3) 辛巴达航海记:巧妙结合手绘和3d技术的优秀作品。 4) 怪物史莱克:健康的爱情观和幽默的故事! 5) 寻找尼莫(海底总动员):融合温馨情感和尖端技术的动画经典。 6) 千与千寻:宫岐峻颠峰之作! 7) 最终幻想:3d人物数码化的先驱,技术出众。 8) 吸血鬼猎人:日式风格的华丽吸血鬼大作。 9) 盖娜:欧洲的动画大作,风格很怪异! 10) 恐龙:不用说了,好看! 男人必看的10部** 罗马假日 Roman.holiday.1953 爱情 阿甘正传 Forrest.gump.1994 执着 第七封印 The.Seventh.Seal.1957 哲理 东方不败 才华 美国往事 ONCE.UPON.A.TIME.IN.AMERICA 人生 外星20周年重映版 E.T.20 E.T 童心 现代启示录(新版) Apocalypse.Now.Redux 痛苦 肖申克的救赎 The Shaw shank Redemption 信念 辛德勒的名单 Schindlers List 责任 勇敢的心 Brave Heart 勇气 女人必看的十部** 漂亮女人 "Pretty Woman": 贫富之爱 西雅图不眠夜 "Sleepeless in Seattle": 浪漫之爱 魂断蓝桥 "Waterloo bridge": 生死之爱 天使之城 "The City of Angle": 人神之爱 爱情故事 "Love Story": 青年之爱 金色池塘 "Golden Pond": 老年之爱 简爱"Jane Eyre": 自尊之爱 继母"Step Mother": 母子之爱 安娜?6?1卡列琳娜 "Anna Karenina": 悲剧性 飘(乱世佳人) "Gone With the Wind": 女人最爱

罗马假日英文影评 在线等

Reviews of the film [Grace Of Monaco] were overwhelmingly negative.Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator, reports that 9% of 53 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review; the average rating was 3.3/10. The site's consensus reads: "Beautifully shot but utterly vapid, Grace of Monaco fails to honor either its subject or its audience."Metacritic rated it 21/100 based on ten reviews.Film critic Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian called it "a film so awe-inspiringly wooden that it is basically a fire-risk".The Hollywood Reporter?'?s review opined that "The Shrek movies deconstruct fairy tale conventions with much more depth and wit than this dreary parade of lifeless celebrity waxworks".Screen Daily's Fionnuala Halligan described the film as "puzzlingly misjudged... a minor royal Euro-pudding which lands awkwardly in sub-Roman Holiday territory".

急寻一篇 罗马假日 的英文影评... 十万火急.

Audrey Hepburn's first big film role cast her as a Princess of country unknown, making a state visit to Rome. Bored of the endless run of openings, dedications and so on, she decides to see something of the city, and runs into American newsman Gregory Peck. He recognises her as the missing Princess and plans to scoop a major interview for his syndicate, with the help of pal Eddie Albert and his hidden camera.

Hepburn is an absolute joy, particularly when her hair is shorn down to the classic urchin cut and she takes a motorcycle ride. Peck, too, is served well by this kind of role, and the romance of the city of Rome helps their relationship to develop during their 24 hours of freedom. Roman Holiday is one of those rarities which are truly perfect and memorable, a real girly flick with beautiful photography and a sparkling script. Highly recommended, and especially so in the wonderful recent restoration.



A Holiday worth celebrating every day of the year. The Princess awakens from her slumbers in this classic fall-from-innocence, coming-of-age tale with a royal twist. Audrey Hepburn stakes her claim as the most perfect woman who ever lived. Gregory Peck at his best as the ne'er-do-well American reporter who guides her chastely from girlhood to womanhood. What can I add? One of the finest movies ever made. Now will you please stop reading this review and rent the movie, for heaven's sake? ...Now, according to the rules, this review has to go for at least 10 lines. And yet I've said everything I have to say about Roman Holiday. It is perfect. Rent it. Or better yet, buy it. You won't regret it. There, now that's 11 lines, that ought to do it.


With a very nice blend of fantasy and reality, and two very likable stars, "Roman Holiday" is both entertaining and thoughtful. Sometimes it is very funny, and at other times it makes you feel a great sympathy and warmth towards the characters. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck are ideal in the leading roles, and the story is very clever in getting a lot of mileage out of a simple idea without pushing things too far, which makes it quite effective.

The idea of Princess Ann (Audrey) slipping away unnoticed and unrecognized for a day of fun and freedom from responsibility is of course fanciful, but it works for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is Peck's role as a pragmatic newsman. He is a good balance for Hepburn's charm and energy, remaining calm and logical without ever becoming cold or distant. You feel as if you could spend a lot more than a couple of hours in their company. And how could you improve on Eddie Albert's performance as Peck's photographer friend? The movie also adds in the atmosphere of Rome itself, with some creative scenes that make good use of the setting.

There are many fine moments in a story that at times seems almost like a daydream, and then it brings the characters back to reality in a moving way. It's not an easy combination to pull off, but here it all fits together very well, to make the kind of classic worth remembering, and one which you can watch and enjoy more than once.


Roman Holiday?is a 1953?American?romantic comedydirected and produced by?William Wyler.?It is a classic romantic comedy.It is talk about princess Anne and reporter Joe love story.Princess Anne met Joe,but she is dizzy at that time,so Joe takes her back to his house.Joe know that she is the princess and he want to hide his real information to Anne,since he want to take some private pictures of her.However he fall in love with Anne,so he give up his job and take the princess travel around Europe.The movie teach us that if you love someone truly,you should be honest to him or her,never hide the truth.


Roman Holiday (1953)

Starring: Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert

Director: William Wyler

An Oscar-winning story from Hollywood Ten blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, who was fronted by Ian McLellan Hunter. The delightful, old-fashioned, dramatic, fairy-tale courtship film, a variation of Capra's It Happened One Night, was shot on location and contains the first major starring role of the much-beloved Audrey Hepburn. A modern-day Princess (Hepburn) is quickly bored with ceremonial protocol during an official visit to Rome. After slipping away from her attendants and entourage, she goes 'incognito' and encounters an American newspaperman Joe Bradley (Peck) who sees an opportunity for an exclusive scoop. However, romance blossoms between them during their 'common people' adventures throughout the city, as they are pursued by the journalist's photographer friend Irving (Albert) who takes candids. The newspaperman's intentions change when he realizes he's falling in love. Academy Award Nominations: 10, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor--Eddie Albert, Best Screenplay. Academy Awards: 2, Best Actress--Audrey Hepburn, Best Motion Picture Story.


Schindler's List (1993)

Starring: Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes

Director: Steven Spielberg

Spielberg's greatest dramatic, black and white masterpiece, based on a true story of an opportunistic German businessman and charming womanizer Oskar Schindler (Neeson), who profits from WWII by employing cheap labor from Polish Jews in his Cracow cookware factory during the Third Reich's Holocaust, and provides them refuge from the horrors of the Nazis. The film also documents the hideous, disturbing evil personified by Nazi Amon Goeth (Fiennes) - the Plaszow camp commandant, Schindler's relationship with his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern (Kingsley) and their list-making to courageously save over 1,000 Jews from the senseless, brutal extermination in Auschwitz. Academy Award Nominations: 12, including Best Actor--Liam Neeson, Best Supporting Actor--Ralph Fiennes. Academy Awards: 7, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay.