





7.影评范文英语作文 小学



One day , I went to the cinema with my best friend to saw the movie 'The Smurfs'.

I love 'The Smurfs' because of its special set and sound effects.The Smurfs are lovely and the songs are nice and very popular.

There was a twist in the plot,too.And we were all on the edge of our seat.Gargamel was catching the smurfs,it scared us out of our wits.But when the smurfs overcome Gargamel, the audience was very hy and so they landed.

I think this movie will be successful and acclained by the critics unanimous.A must-see comedy including friend,family and fantasty!You won't regret seeing it!



the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this book—Mulan .I he heard hundreds of times.I can say, she was with me throughout my childhood. But every time I pick up this book ,I always he more feelings.

Hua Mulan,as we all know,she was a bre woman.Since she was born,she he had an optimistic nature and a strong heart,just like a boy. As the Emperor called up a man in every family to the battleground .At that time her father was ill and old and her brother was only a little boy.So Mulan decided to join the fight resolutely instead of her father.

Why Mulan can become a general but others can’t? We can think this question in our mind.Why? Because she has a bre

heart! On the battleground,she didn’t fear the enemies.She shouted to her army.She fighted the emery courageously,countless enemies stepped by her foot.She sed the endless national dignity and honour. All her battle companions thought she was a real man!

In the army,nobody knew she was a woman in fact.In my eyes,This bre woman is more man than a real man instead.

If you he a bre heart,you won’t fear the difficulties in your life. However,how can we he a bre heart?We all know,failure is the mother of success.When we go through some difficulties,we will he a bre heart.By then,you will not fear the difficulties,the competition,and even the enemies.










Badass League tells the story of the world ' s most wanted gang , the Badass League , who decide to change their ways and become model citizens . The message of Bad Guys League is very clear .?

On the one hand , break down stereotypes and don ' t label others . For example , many parents often tell their children not to play with " bad kids ".

For adults , the world is neither good nor evil nor black and white , and they prefer the film ' s initial depiction of the bad guys ' league as something of an animated Quentin Tarantino , only the film quickly descends into a childlike worldview .


对于成年人来说,这个世界既不是善也不是恶,也不是黑白的,他们更喜欢**最初对坏人联盟的描述,就像昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(Quentin Tarantino)的动画一样,只是这部**很快就变成了一个孩子气的世界观。



Kung Fu Panda adopts the narrative logic of pure Oriental family ethics, which makes the whole story more relaxed.


This treatment makes the "theme" slightly thin, but it is more suitable for children to see.


This work will not be moved to tears, nor will it be ridiculous to laugh, but this balance point is the most relaxed viewing environment for "children".








I like the film <<Kung Fu Panda>> very much!The panda is bre and funny.Many animals in the film are great,I love them.But I don't like dalong,he is a cheater,and he is also dangerous.But the panda beat him at last.

I will be a person like the panda.He is warm-hearted.The most important is,he is a real hero!He is my idol!







I see this movie lastweek,

So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!

My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda?

I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives in China.

In this movie, Panda learns how to improve his level of Kung fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny,

You can see how things goes on with laugh,

I recommend this film to you.!



所以terrfic ,这部**让我爱功夫!





我建议这部影片给您。 !


Last week,l saw a flim named Harry Potter .It's a story about a boy called Harry Potter.He was a witch.he had lessons in a magic school.the name of his school is Hogwarts.Harry had a fantastic life in the school with his friends.

Their biggest enemy was Lord Voldemort.And they defeated Lord Voldemort in the end.I admire Harry and his friends' courage after I saw the flim.I think it is a wonderful flim.I like it very much.







影评范文英语作文 小学

“Is life always this hard, or is it just when you’re a kid?” Mathild asked. “Always like this.” Leon answered. I fell in love with the movie at the first sight when I saw it. However, it’s unbelievable that such a good film didn’t receive any awards at the time though it really shocked the whole movie world. Whatever, I love this film, for everything.

Leon’s main actor named Jean Reno, a famous French actor, and the actress was Natalie Portman. It was a sad story, mixed up with fright, action, and romance, about a 12 years old girl and a mid-aged killer.

Leon was a special killer. During working, he was a heartless man, and ironically, he was really lonely, quiet, and dull in the daily life. Mathild, a poor little girl, was always hit by her family members. The more unfortunate thing was that her families were killed by a vicious organization. Then, Leon sed her, and ge her a warm home. Like all other films, something special hened between them after they lived together.

What I interested in about the movie was the ending song and the details of Leon’s habits. Let me talk about Leon first. He liked sitting in his sofa quietly with all curtain drawn, smoking. No one knew what he was thinking about. He liked milk, not something full of alcohol, like we thought all about a brutal killer. Ever week, he went to the shop to buy two boxes of milk. He liked a pot culture, for it had no root, just like him. He took it with him to every place he went, and clean every leaf of it. The director showed us so many details that we could know Leon’s special personalities clearly. Second, the ending song was so attractive that I kept it in my MP5 until now. Its name was The Shape of My Heart, sung by Sting, an English singer. His exquisite voice ge us a feeling of gloomy. Not only the melody of the song, but the words were vary beautiful and blue, just like the fundamental key of the movie. As a whole, Leon told us that there was array in the world. No matter who the man was, what occupation he took, and how cold he showed, there was a soft and gentle part in the deep of his heart.

In my opinion, everyone should watch it because we can learn something about life. I love it for its meaning, music and plot.

这个是 Leon的。。还有的找不到了 能帮到一点是一点吧 这是我的作业 见笑

哈利·波特与混血王子英文影评: As a fan of the books and films, I was truly impressed with how The Half-Blood Prince turned out. The nature of this Harry Potter is supposed to be dark and mysterious, which I admit it is in some places but it seems like they loaded this one with more humor than the rest. Sometimes sule, other times just outright hilarious, I guarantee you will laugh. That's not to say there's no action though. There's plenty of that to go around. Not to mention the new romances that are a constant source of the humor. The returning cast did wonderfully as well as the newers such as Jim Broadbent acting as Professor Slughorn. Broadbent really got into character and I believe he is exactly like Rowling describes in her books. Other newers De Legeno as Fenrir Greyback and Helen McCrory as Malfoy's Mom he *** aller parts but portray their characters well for how much room they were given. One thing I he to say is I was surprised at Rupert Grint's level of acting in this one, I don't know if was just being held back or if he just improved that much but it's obvious he's going places. The fans of the book series won't be disointed either. They managed to stay very true to the book while keeping it a reasonable length and filling in all the information you need. But I daresay that if you've never read the books you may be surprised and saddened at the ending. i thought chan ho-sun’s latest movie, american dreams in china, would be a more masculine version of zhao wei’s so young. but not quite, as it turns out. 我曾以为陈可辛的新作《中国合伙人》会更像一部男版的《致青春》。但事实证明并非如此。 although the film depicts a nostalgic campus life full of ideali *** for the future and the impulses of love, the story is more about starting out after innocent youth has faded. 虽然片中回顾了那段充满青春理想与躁动 *** 的校园生活。但《中国合伙人》更侧重于讲述几位年轻人告别青春,离校后的创业生活。 through the interined destinies of the movie’s protagonists, the audience witnesses a triangle of friendship, career ambitions and personal dreams seemingly collapse as three best friends desperately try to tie and ist these elements together. 透过主角们交织在一起的命运,观众们见证了当铁三角友谊、职业抱负与个人理想面临破碎时,三位好友是如何竭尽全力地将它们重新糅合在一起的故事。 that’s why wang yang (tong dawei), one of the three best friends, who start a business together, shares this lesson of life: “never start a business with your best friends.” 这就是为何作为铁三角之一的王阳(佟大为饰演)在经历与好友共同创业之后看,分享出这样的一条人生经验:“千万不要跟最好的朋友合伙开公司” he may be right. after all, no matter how close they are, differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart. every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life. 或许他说的对。毕竟,不管朋友多铁,不同的职业抱负与个人理想足以令好友分道扬镳。人们的世界观与理想各不相同,这些也决定了各自事业与生活的轨迹。 without knowing of meng xiaojun’s (deng chao) struggles in the us and his disillusion toward the country, there’s no way cheng dongqing (huang xiaoming) can understand why meng is pushing all the agendas so hard. the parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined. 因为对于孟晓骏(邓超饰演)在美国打拼的艰辛以及他的美国梦碎一无所知,成东青(黄晓明饰演)没法理解为何孟晓骏如此拼命地推行自己的主张。在某种程度上,所向披靡的铁三角注定要以解散收场。 even so, despite these differences, friendship always prevails. cheng’s difficulties bee a podium on which the three friends stand together. it’s through the emotional connection they developed over many years that they finally overe their differences and reform the alliance. 即便如此,虽然存在各种分歧,但友谊总是能战胜一切。成东青经历的人生低谷也促成了铁三角的再聚首。正是这份经营多年的友谊,使得他们最终克服了种种分歧,再铸铁三角。 what the film tries to convey is the triumph of brotherhood, which dates back to our naive, passionate youth when unconditional bonds of emotion are shaped. 该片试图通过对那个冒失鲁莽的青春岁月和那个纯真情谊萌芽的年代的回顾,来向人们传达出“手足情谊战胜一切”的讯息。 so the film was never about business after all. 所以,本片终究不只是一个创业故事那么简单。 你可以摘抄下