
你说的是 1953年的 百万英镑 吧 ,原著是 马克 吐温的 《百万英镑》,你可以先读一下原著 然后找些对于的评论 (反映主题之类的)、也适用** 然后再看遍** 讲讲演员、对白啊、其他方面的





**中流落英国街头的美国人亨利.亚当身无分文 ,贫困潦倒时,却因为偶然的机遇,得到两个富翁兄弟给予的一张面值为100万英镑的票子,在一个月内没有花一分钱,却得到英国上层社会的所给予的种种“免费”的高贵待遇,结果还用这一百万的票子赚了20万英镑,从此改变了自己的命运:得到了美丽善良贵族**作为他的妻子。亚当亨利最终能够不花一分钱而得到这么多的厚遇:难道仅仅就是人们所谓的“金钱至上,金钱万能”的低俗观念所起的作用而放弃自己的“利益”而愿意无偿提供一切服务。这就是市场经济的所特有的现象。良好的信誉在时刻起着作用,它使金钱无形中在社会上从一部分人流到另一部分人的手里,它使相信他的人财源广进,腰缠万贯,事实也是这样的。所以都吹捧它,所以出现了不花一分钱也能享受种种高贵的待遇的《百万英镑》影片中的带有戏剧性的事情。






Among Mark Twain's less well-known stories was 1893's 'The £1,000,000 Bank-Note' which, much altered, provides the source for this 1953 film. Penniless and stuck in Edwardian London (the film is set in 1903), American seaman Henry Adams (Peck) encounters two eccentric, wealthy brothers: Oliver (Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Hyde-White). The pair's arguing over wealth, and more specifically how people respond to it. They set Henry up as a guinea pig for a wager involving a million pound note, which they he the Bank of England issue to them. They hand Henry an envelope, only telling him it contains some money.

Understandably shocked when he discovers the note and learns that is it genuine, Henry tries to give it back but the brothers he diseared for a month, leing only an explanation of their wager and the offer of a job if he can survive the period without actually spending it.

Oliver had argued that by simply hing the note, a poor man could live like a lord, whereas Roderick insisted it would be useless unless actually spent. Initially, Oliver proves right, with vast credit extended to Henry as a result of him simply showing the note, with people assuming he's an oddball American millionaire. Henry has no problem with food, hotels and tailors, and even finds himself mixing with wealthy aristocrats, such as Portia Lansdowne (Griffiths), the niece of a duchess (Grenfell), and businessmen such as American Lloyd Hastings (Power), who is able to raise funds for an endeour simply through his association with Henry. Not everyone is keen to be chums though. The Yank-hating Duke of Frognell (Matthews) who was dislodged from his hotel suite to make room for Henry, gets his own back by simply hiding the note. What can Henry say to the de collectors when he can't produce the currency? Well, this being a good-natured 1950s comedy, it's hardly going to end in tears, as our hero is a virtuous fellow, incarnate in the noble form of Gregory Peck. This may be a long way from Peck's best known, or even best acted, role, but it's novel to see him in British comedy territory, and although such fare isn't exactly his strong point, his charm wins through. (Cary Grant or James Stewart who played a not dissimilar role in Capra's Mr Deeds Goes To Town would probably he been a lot more at home).

The supporting work from such venerable Brits as Wilfrid Hyde-White and the inimitable Joyce Grenfell give the film further entertaining robustness. It's all handled with professional aplomb by Ronald Neame, the former cinematographer, writer and producing partner of Did Lean. He is probably best known today for The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie but would, bizarrely, help shape the 10s disaster movie genre directing such films as The Poseidon Adventure and Meteor. As for the crisply photography, it comes 2001: A Space Odyssey.


It centres upon one gag (a poor American suddenly finding himself nigating the minefield of English wealth and class), but this is an amiably entertaining piece of vintage British comedy.