






对《阿甘正传》的影评——展现历史与个人的约定,以小人物的经历美国政治社会史的史诗片 《Forrest Gump》一开始就利用一个场景:在蓝色的天空中,一片羽毛随风飘舞,飘过阿甘所居住的城市,一会随风飘落了下来,一会又被风吹向了高空。经过在空中的起伏飘荡,最终飘落在故事主人公的脚下。这是导演运用长镜头对羽毛随风飘舞的描写,留给观众的是对羽毛产生的无尽想象,为故事情节的发展作了铺垫。随着羽毛的降落,镜头特写了阿甘的那双沾满泥很破旧的球鞋,用特写镜头代替导演抒发了感情,暗示了将把鞋作为推动情节发展的因素。 影片中有一个大的特点是多次利用巴士的到站来串连起不同的乘客,这些乘客就是阿甘的听众,随着听众的变换串连起不同的故事情节。这是关联性蒙太奇的运用,而每次巴士到站则是重复蒙太奇的体现,因为它是一个巴士的镜头反复出现,强调了导演想要传达的某一个特定信息,加强了这部影片的题旨。另外还有一个大的特点就是使用同时蒙太奇,影片有两条线索,一条主线描写阿甘从智商低能儿艰难求学到上大学并取得许多成功到参军再到参加越战表现出色最后到退伍的一生,同时另一条线索是描写了珍妮为了求得荣誉和出名忍心离开阿甘而自己去闯荡漂泊的一生。这两条线索虽然大多是发生在不同的空间,但是由于导演对镜头的不断切换,使它们在叙事上呈现出互相关联的叙事段落,交叉剪接在一起,创造出一种联想的氛围和想象的无限空间。 描写两条线索的时候使用了结构性蒙太奇中的对比蒙太奇,阿甘的一生虽然经历了许多不幸和艰难,比如:军队严厉的训练,经受越战时生死的考验,但他的一生还算顺利,似乎有上帝在帮助着他,每次当他遇到困难的时候,信念和执著让他化险为夷,帮他脱离困境,并最终助他取得成功。而反观珍妮,她的一生并没有得到老天过多的青睐,比如她想成为著名的歌手,简单的想法却承受了一波又一波的打击。导演通过他们命运的不同来对比,让观众感受一种阿甘一生的神奇色彩,同时可以从侧面体会当时美国社会的奇怪现象。影片故事的情节也贯穿了许多细节性的对比蒙太奇,比如当阿甘没有缘由不知疲倦的跑步的时候,他忽然发现天际合一分不出哪里是天,哪里是地。还有阿甘在回忆越战行军的时候,原本暴雨滂沱,突然东海龙王下了停雨圣旨,即刻阳光绚烂等等镜头。 这部影片镜头剪接的律动和节奏能强烈地刺激观众的情感。比如情节发展到越战的时候,插入了关于丹中尉的故事,他指挥士兵作战师受重伤被阿甘救起,他的腿被截肢而抱怨阿甘的救助从而对生命失去了活着的意义,他一直认为自己已经是个废人而毫无用处,他开始颓废虚度时光。这些关于丹中尉的情节看似对阿甘一生的主题不相关,但却巧妙的穿插组合在一起,还有就是在阿甘为了完成好朋友巴布的心愿,买了一条虾船,从事捕虾行业的时候,丹中尉意外的出现在码头的时候,这时观众原以为丹中尉会一直沉沦颓废下去,可是当看到丹的身影时却能感到他的生命也在开始转变。另外,影片也在某些细节不断插入写实的镜头,比如林肯总统的遇刺,尼克松总统宣布越战要升级等。这些写实镜头让**呈现出现实中原本就内涵多义暧昧的属性,让观众有主动参与去选择意义的机会。写实的镜头让观众感觉阿甘的生活随时可能会在普通百姓身上发生,因此相信阿甘的生活是真实的。 在影片中阿甘是一个智力较低的人,可是故事的每一个情节都体现出他本质上的善良、纯朴,可以看出阿甘是一个懂得如何去爱的性情中人,这两方面表现的落差通过镜头的剪接巧妙的传达给每一位观众。同时导演赋予阿甘自我叙述的镜头,整部片子就是阿甘对自己大半生的回忆录,以他自己的叙述为旁白,不仅在他的叙述中,在他和珍妮的交往中,想念珍妮的时候,和丹中尉的交往中,用自己的善良和朴实感化丹中尉的时候,甚至在他无缘无故的跑步中都发现了自己和丹中尉身上的一些教训和道理。在插入珍妮和丹中尉的镜头时,还是在讲述他们的坎坷命运时,通过对比,让观众在感情上与角色的处境紧密结合,随着珍妮的一次次与阿甘的相遇和分离而伤心,随着丹的颓废而失落,随着珍妮的吸食毒品而为她感到悲哀。导演无非在通过阿甘和珍妮的命运的对比,通过丹中尉命运的变化告诉观众一个哲理:人的命运是掌握在自己手中的,要靠自己的奋斗来创造命运,即便我们有各种缺陷,承受着各种不幸和灾难,但是只要能坚定一种信念,就能创造出奇迹。相信观众随着阿甘、珍妮和丹中尉各自的命运的起伏能够体会出其中的哲理! 可以看出,这部影片创作的艺术内涵很深,无论是故事的发展以及其表现手法给人的震撼,还是制片时的镜头处理等都相当高明,难怪那么多人喜欢这部影片,获得那么多奥斯卡奖项也是实至名归!

很多时候我们就象阿甘一样找不到做一件事的理由,很多时候我们都远不及阿甘 ,那些不知为何而做的事情总是非常轻易地半途而废了。人的一生往往就是这样,就象片头和片尾中那片随风飘浮的白色羽毛,大多数时候, 我们也许都在随波逐流,这种飘浮没有具体的方向,平淡到令人厌倦。可是,一个腾挪一个转身,总还是可以由自己控制的,你只须尽力将它 做得完满,不要计较你究竟得到了多少,那么,你就可以越飞越高,你会发现,越往高处的地方,越接近天堂,所以我相信阿甘的成功并不是偶然。 阿甘有很多自己的理论,他坐路边的长椅上和不相识的路上讲述他的,他在每一个理论前面加上三个字:妈妈说。 ----妈妈说,人生就象巧克力,你永远不知道你会尝到什么味道。 ----妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么 不同,没有。 ----妈妈说,我只是告诉自己,当我做一件事的时候,我就要尽力去做好它,比如我这辈子做了你的妈妈,这是我无法选 择的事,上帝把你给了我,我的孩子,我就必须尽力做好你的母亲,我做到了。 阿甘是个非常听话的孩子,这些话他都记住了,他说, 笨人有笨人的作为。当珍妮叫他快跑的时候,他跌跌撞撞地跑了起来,跑散了他记忆中第一双神奇的鞋子,也发掘出了他的第一项潜质:跑。 他一直在跑,开始是逃跑,后来他跑进了橄榄球队,再后来跑进了大学,跑得了学位。在越战战场上,他仍是牢记珍妮的话,跑回了自己的性 命,也跑回荣誉和友情。 你不得不承认,其实很多事情的成功是有其偶然因素的,它并不会因你的处心积虑而更接近终点,却会在你不 经意的时候,给你的努力以一个最恰当的褒赏。他忠诚,所以在越战中他独自脱离了危险的时候,他仍然跑回丛林中去找他的战友。他守信, 他答应了战友要共买一艘捕虾船,但战友死了,他却在旁人不可思议的眼神中为他实现了遗愿,也为自己赢得了巨大的财富。他执着,所以他 会在珍妮离开后一跑三年,穿越了整个美国,一直不停,他告诉你,他只是想跑,他用跑步丈量人生,这不需要以和平自由或任何冠冕堂皇的 东西为理由。他友善,在他救回中尉的性命后,失去了双腿的中尉一直对自己不能战死在战场上却仍以残废之躯苟且偷生而羞愧,而恼怒,因为 中尉是这样一种人:他视荣誉高于一切,他不能忍受平凡,是阿甘用友善唤回他对生命的信心,使他发现,即使没有双腿,人生依然可以充满生机。 阿甘并没有远大的理想,他失去的也有很多,他很少有朋友,他总是被聪明人嘲笑,他最爱的母亲和珍妮先后离开了他......但对 他并因为如此而沉没,爱还在延续,他还有自己的孩子,一个聪明的小阿甘,他的人生还在继续,他不聪明,但他永远知道如何让生命充满希望 。所以他也就赢得了荣誉,财富和爱,这些常人可能永远不能兼得的东西。 这部**为什么如此深受喜爱?虽然阿甘的智商只有75,但在 他身上,我们看到了忠诚,守信,执着,友善这些人性中最为熠熠生辉,优秀可贵的品质,看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定.平 凡的生命,不平凡的人生.当我们年华老去,回首来路,如果你可以对昨天的一切无悔,那么你已经拥有了非常成功的一生。


《金刚》影评: Starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis. Directed by Peter Jackson. Written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and Peter Jackson. Produced by Jan Blenkin, Carolynne Cunningham, Fran Walsh and Peter Jackson. A Universal release. Adventure. Rated PG-13 for frightening adventure violence and some disturbing messages. Running time: 187 min. Fulfilling a lifelong dream to remake the movie that inspired him to become a filmmaker, Peter Jackson ("The Lord of the Rings") has at once amped the spectacle and deepened the emotional resonance of the original 1933 "King Kong" while adhering closely to its spirit. The result is a three-hour epic on par with his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy both in scale and thematic relevance, securing Jackson's reputation as the next great event filmmaker and heir to Steven Spielberg. With clever winks to the earlier version and a wicked wit, the basic premise remains the same -- a 1930s film crew sails to an uncharted island, where they discover a giant ape and bring it back to New York City to entertain the masses. But there are some key character changes here that intensify the audience's emotional involvement: Carl Denham (Jack Black, whose mug is a rich palette of expression, both comedic and sinister) isn't a successful filmmaker on his latest adventure but an Orson Welles-esque entrepreneur, a rapscallion whose current endeor will make or break his nascent career. Not just an anonymous waif, Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts, with classic beauty and eyes that glow like Chinese lanterns) here is an out-of-work vaudeville actress -- a background that endears her to her primate captor -- with aspirations for the stage. And Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody, in action-hero mode) is no lon 查看原帖>>



阿甘正传 Forrest Gump




——妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么 不同,没有。


治愈你的:虽然阿甘的智商只有75,但在他身上,我们看到了忠诚、守信、执着、友善这些人性中最为熠熠生辉、优秀可贵的品质,看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定。平 凡的生命,不平凡的人生,当我们年华老去,回首来路,如果你可以对昨天的一切无悔,那么你已经拥有了非常成功的一生。



It was just sooooo great! So much fun, too!! It's like every high school musical theater junkie's dream. Everyone was just excellent and the directing was superb. And I love the message this movie sends to young minds, that you explore other facets of expression other than the one that's socially acceptable. And I love the little undertones and suleties throughout the film. And I love how all the tough mean hard guys are CLEARLY dancers in real life. I was muy impressed!! Everything and everyone was perfect. From the clothes, casting, choreography, sets.... it all looks like a dream. And in beautiful clear New Mexico. Who could want anything more!



I he seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graduate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump endures. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's trels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.



The folks who actually like this movie are the reason Hollywood makes very few quality movies any more. If you don't care then why should they? This movie is so bad from the beginning. Numerous tornadoes pummeling a West Coast city and there are actually people flying in helicopters to get a closer look. That's a brainy idea. Buildings freezing and crumbling yet the people outside don't seem to be affected so much. The "walk" from Philadelphia to New York? And in record time no less. I do like the fact that they had the foresight to he Antarctic weather gear handy for just these occasions. What of the tent that was able to withstand the chill but not the Empire State building? Call your local Army Ny store....they really need to stock these tents. I also found it amazing that any lines of communications were not really affected, including the under freezing water pay phone. The only ones who had communications losses were, of course, the main characters.....ah drama!! I know they were in a library but you think they could he possibly tried to burn all the wooden tables and chairs around them? Seems that they would burn warmer and for longer than books. The acting was horrific, the directing was terrible, the script was unbelievably bad and the special effects were anything but special. It certainly rates up there with Godzilla 2000 and Armageddon......it actually makes Independence Day look like one of the all time greats!



I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that hens in this movie in unpredicted. The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while. The amount of courage and brery was inconceivable, there was barely any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.



I thought this movie was very well done. It is an overlooked treasure. Ron Howard is a great film maker and he deserves more credit for this film. I'm a huge Ron Howard fan and I felt that this film was no better than any of his work done thus far. The dialog was a bit hard to understand, but the plot, acting and directing are what make the movie so great. Nicole Kidman is so beautiful in the movie and she really carries the movie with her charisma. Tom Cruise plays his part very well. The scenery in the movie is some of the best I've ever seen. It is easy to lose yourself in this movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone I know.



This is the type of a film that's never boring no matter how often you watch it. It deserved every single award it got. It's touching, it's timeless and it's downright beautiful. I'm not a huge friend of extended versions because there's usually a perfectly good reason to take something out of the film and none whatsoever to put it back again, if pleasing hardcore fans isn't a good reason - that's totally a matter of opinion. However, "Dances with wolves" is certainly an exception.

The nearly four hour version is the only one to be. Sure it sounds like it's too much but when you watch the movie it doesn't look a minute overlong and cutting even a second out of it would seem like a horrible crime. The original theater version was 52 minutes shorter which sound too cruel to be true. I mean really, what's there to cut? If you hen't seen "Dances with wolves" yet you he missed one of the greatest motion picture experiences of the 90's and you should do something about it instantly.




In the film, with the South American accent, impaired intellectual Forrest Gump looked full of Jenny's wild, as if the United States and the master of Faulkner's famous novel, "Sound and the Fury" in Bangui is a distant relative of the fool. But the two arently he a fundamental difference: The Decline and Fall of Bangui is only a symbol of the family, is a real imbecile; Forrest Gump and the "Fool" is almost a representative of the times by the lack of all the virtues: honesty and trustworthiness, serious work, courage Fearless, Chongqing Light Choi, on the other hand is that these virtues he become stupid, this is some of today's social situation of a great irony.


I he seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graduate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump endures. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's trels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.



 阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的.回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。

 Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS.He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to for foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan sed him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A Gan shouldn't se him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we he a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.

  Ice Age 冰河世纪 英语影评

 It’s not particularly surprising to be disointed by any computer-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo. In fact, until Shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, I wouldn’t he even believed it could hen. What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn’t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar’s Toy Story heights, arently content to revel in its status a Monster’s, Inc.'s second rate, half wit cousin.

 Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cemen. This time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man. Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot. But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home.

 Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I he ever seen. Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc.; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters. No hint of photo-realism here. It’s like comparing a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King. Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for.

 Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and Leguizamo one liners. Some of them are even quite funny. If that is all that we’re going for here, then I suppose I’m all for it. But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching siness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation. Frankly, I’m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the

 task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters. The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures. It’s laughable watching their polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches.

 Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels. As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining. Sure, Ray Romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular. But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation.

 The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation. The film’s only real sing graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct melon-hoarding dodos. Ice Age’s comedy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else.


 This should've gone straight to video. Evan Almighty was not able to manage the expectations of those who came to see it anticipating as riotous a ride as its predecessor Bruce Almighty. It retained the premise of the original as a spin-off but it doesn't work not because Steve Carell is less talented than Jim Carrey but because he had lousy material to work with. Even Morgan Freeman (who reprises his role as God) lost the zing and impressive qualities he had in the first installment.

 Evan Almighty arently targets a family audience with its decidedly more religious overtones (check out what ARK really means), so it shouldn't he attempted to fool the audience by maintaining the Almighty franchise because it doesn't fit; its brand of humor and story simply failed to keep up.

 It would've probably done better if it were marketed differently instead of lazily riding on the success of Bruce Almighty when it painfully couldn't deliver the same punches.

  这是<猫鼠游戏>的英语影评.对Frank 和Carl之间关系的评论

 It’s correct to describe Carl as a cat, also Frank as a mouse. Not only because the process that the cat chased the mouse day and night, but also Carl was as mild as a cat, not as violent as a tiger.

 Carl is only a clerk in FBI. He sticked to the regulations but didn’t lose his compassion. Years of detective work let him lose his lovely daughter, but didn’t make him ruthless. Though Carl was teased by the clever mouse several times, he still did not treat Frank as a criminal. He regarded Frank as a little boy, who should be lead on the right way.

 The brilliant mouse, Frank endured too much heartbreak in his childhood. Father’s bankruptcy, parents’ divorce drove him to go astray. He deceived every person he met. But at the Christmas Eve, Frank told the truth to Carl on the phone. He was so lonely at that time. Even though he was a great con man, don’t forget, Frank was still a ager who was interested in the comic books. He needs family. He needs love. All the fraud he made was aim at repairing his family.

 Then, when the two people who both had broken family were involved with each other, a new relationship was founded.

 Carl wasn’t as handsome as Frank Sr. He did not he little tricks such as “the lost necklace”. But he reciated Frank’s genius and taked a long time to rescue Frank. He knew he would try in vain to do it. But he still loved Frank, and treated Frank as his own child.

 It was incredible that a cat would love a mouse. But Carl did it.

 Fortunately, Frank ge up evil and returned to good with Carl’s help.

 Although I think it was sad that Frank was also a clerk in FBI at last. It wouldn’t be exciting for our audience. But after years of crazy, Frank needed to live like a common person, just as his hy childhood in France.

 Remember, Frank’s peace life should be attributed to Carl, who was clement enough. It’s Carl that makes the film full of love. Perhaps the relationship between them should be called “The cat father and the mouse son”.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一句话,在影片的开头就用这句话给了我一个深刻的思考:每一个生命轨迹都在不同的地域存在着,而且是独一无二的存在着。 阿甘的生命乐章是不是就是根据这样的话,这样的教诲而一步一步的走着不一样的人生道路,阿甘从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。这是不是是上帝给我们开的一个玩笑,或者生活原本就是这样的无法预料和无常无规,永远让你使料未及,无法琢磨。 阿甘在影片中被塑造成了美德的化身,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重视感情。在影片中,阿甘是十分纯洁的形象,对于所叙述的一切,影片自始自终都是以一种温情和善意的态度来表现的,甚至还加入了诗意化的成分,这使得影片显得柔和而无伤害性。在影片的开头和结尾,出现了一个让人深刻的镜头:在广阔的蓝天下,一根轻盈而洁白的羽毛飞啊飞,缓缓地降落在坐在长椅等九路公交车憨厚的阿甘脚下,身边是来来去去的人。我想,这是影片中的一种暗示,暗示着阿甘的人品的纯洁平淡而美丽。阿甘的人生,有一半是他母亲缔造的,而另一半是阿甘自己创造出来的。他注定不是一个出类拔萃的人。而上天又是如此的公平——往往会令起点不高的人比天生优越感十足的人更早更深刻地认识到生活中的真实。 阿甘的母亲给阿甘的是一笔精神财富,这样的哲学理论在母亲给他的那一刻起就已经转化成他自己的东西。就如他坐路边的长椅上和不相识的路上讲述他的,他在每一个理论前面加上三个字:妈妈说。 妈妈说,人生就象巧克力,你永远不知道你会尝到什么味道。 妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么不同,没有。 妈妈说,我只是告诉自己,当我做一件事的时候,我就要尽力去做好它,比如我这辈子做了你的妈妈,这是我无法选择的事,上帝把你给了我,我的孩子,我就必须尽力做好你的母亲,我做到了。 母亲的教育给阿甘的人生有非一般的触动,或许阿甘的人生在就从母亲教他的第一个单词开始的吧。或许,这样的影响是耳濡目染的,是深刻熏陶的吧。有了母亲的引导,然后便是阿甘自己的努力。 阿甘是个非常听话的孩子,这些话他都记住了,他说,笨人有笨人的作为。当珍妮叫他快跑的时候,他跌跌撞撞地跑了起来,跑散了他记忆中第一双神奇的鞋子,也发掘出了他的第一项潜质:跑。他一直在跑,开始是逃跑,后来他跑进了橄榄球队,再后来跑进了大学,跑得了学位。在越战战场上,他仍是牢记珍妮的话,跑回了自己的性命,也跑回荣誉和友情。 阿甘忠诚,所以在越战中他独自脱离了危险的时候,他仍然跑回丛林中去找他的战友。他守信,他答应了战友布巴要共买一艘捕虾船,但布巴死了,他却在旁人不可思议的眼神中为他实现了遗愿,也为自己赢得了巨大的财富。他执着,所以他会在珍妮离开后一跑三年,穿越了整个美国,一直不停,他告诉你,他只是想跑,他用跑步丈量人生,这不需要以和平自由或任何冠冕堂皇的东西为理由。他友善,在他救回中尉的性命后,失去了双腿的中尉一直对自己不能战死在战场上却仍以残废之躯苟且偷生而羞愧,而恼怒,因为中尉是这样一种人:他视荣誉高于一切,他不能忍受平凡,是阿甘用友善唤回他对生命的信心,使他发现,即使没有双腿,人生依然可以充满生机。 阿甘并没有远大的理想,他失去的也有很多,他很少有朋友,他总是被聪明人嘲笑,他最爱的母亲和珍妮先后离开了他...但对他并因为如此而沉没,爱还在延续,他还有自己的孩子,一个聪明的小阿甘,他的人生还在继续,他不聪明,但他永远知道如何让生命充满希望。所以他也就赢得了荣誉,财富和爱,这些常人可能永远不能兼得的东西。 故事的最后珍妮过世了,他们的儿子也已到了上学的年龄。甘送儿子上了校车,坐在公共汽车站的长椅上,看着一片纯白的羽毛飘飞,重回到自己的脚下。 阿甘在生命的每一个阶段,心中只有一个目标在指引着他,他也只为此而踏实地、不懈地、坚定地奋斗,直到这一目标的完成,又或是新的目标的出现。没有单纯的抉择就不会没有心灵的杂念;而没有心灵杂念的人,大概才能够在人生中举重苦轻。 在很多时候我们常常找不到做一件事的理由,那些不知为何而做的事情总是非常轻易地半途而废了。人的一生往往就是这样,就象片头和片尾中那片随风飘浮的白色羽毛,大多数时候,我们也许都在随波逐流,这种飘浮没有具体的方向,平淡到令人厌倦。可是,一个腾挪一个转身,总还是可以由自己控制的,你只须尽力将它做得完满,不要计较你究竟得到了多少,那么,你就可以越飞越高,你会发现,越往高处的地方,越接近天堂,所以我相信阿甘的成功并不是偶然。没有哪一种生命的轨迹是偶然出现的,它的出现总是遵循着某些规律,准备好了,在一个恰当的时机出现了,就变成了奇迹。 影片里的阿甘虽然智商只有75,但在他身上,我们看到了忠诚,守信,执着,友善这些人性中最为熠熠生辉,优秀可贵的品质;看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定,还有那平凡的生命里,突显的不平凡人生。这样的故事总是让我们感动,然后让我们难以忘记。或许,在十年,二十年,甚至更久远以后,我们依然记得那个曾经智障却跑出不一样人生的阿甘。